Excerpt from Khalsa Women’s Training Camp Lecture on August 18, 1977, by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan
…Remember as United States of America and as you who are the citizen of this country as American, you have one mission to accomplish and you should never get defeated in that mission. Bring woman of America the Grace of God. It is absolutely my inner beings’ desire that every woman in this country should belong to Grace of God.
These are simple principles, we have set principles and every woman whether she belongs to 3HO or not, but still she can belong to Grace of God Movement. G-G-M-W-O-A, Grace of God Movement of Women of America. Remember that. Make it your primary goal, primary target that wherever you are, whatever community you live in, spread this message. This is the least you can do for a woman. Because when a woman does not have grace, the nation suffers. The entire humanity suffers.
Negativity which we are unable to fight, because we have never learned how to be graceful. It is required for us to learn to be graceful. Therefore, I like to ask you today, I have dedicated my life to this purpose. I made up my mind couple years ago this is what I am going to do. I want to make a chick, a hawk and that to be a golden eagle. There shall be grace in her feathers, in her flies, in her existence. However, God may not give me time to accomplish my goal, but I personally feel it can be left in your safe hands. This is the only way left to us as human being to save our future, to save our children, to save our coming generations and bring to us the peace, the God and the happiness. Thank you very much…..
May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you and the pure light within you, guide your way on.
O Lord God, Creator of all creation, grace of all grace, being of all beings O Supreme Being, we creatures have sat down in this congregation to pray to thee. You persuaded us, you directed us, you brought us here, it might be our Karma, may be thy grace of blessing. But now Lord, O our Lord God, the one God, give us power to be graceful. Make us healthy, happy and holy and give us the resistance, so that we may radiate in thy grace as human beings to elevate Thy Name until time, space and infinity. Sat Nam.
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