This meditation was originally published in The Master’s Touch.
“Have no thoughts while doing this meditation. Let the Living God come into your heart center. Instead of “I” – let “Thou” prevail.
Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose, spine straight. Bring the hands up in front of the shoulders, and move them a little out to the sides. Palms are flat, with the fingers pointing straight up towards the ceiling.
Hand Mudra: Split the fingers between the middle and ring fingers, keeping the index and middle fingers pressed side by side, and the ring and pinkie fingers pressed side by side. Extend the thumbs straight out, away from the rest of the hand. Try and maintain the finger-split the entire time.
Eyes: Closed.
Focus: Sit calmly and in your heart center, bring in the Living God. Instead of “I” bring in “Thou.”
Time: 9 minutes total. The first few minutes were done in silence, then the tape, Birthday Song, by Livtar Singh, was played.
Click here to stream the Birthday Song (Long Time Sun) by Livtar Singh on SikhNet.
On this day the Lord gave you life,
May you use it to serve Him.
All of our loving prayers will be with you.
May you never forget him.
May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
All Love Surround You
And the Pure Light Within You
Guide Your Way On.
Sat Naam.
End: Finally, Yogi Bhajan recited the following closing prayer, while the students remained in the posture: “Thou, oh Thou in me, and Thou, oh Thou in Thee. Whosoever dwells in me and that of God, shall be honored to be a Teacher, beyond time and space, and shall be liberated for the karma of the world. Those who meditate on the Word, shall have all that there is in the Kingdom of God. Those who deny it shall seek His Mercy. Unto the new Age of Aquarius, the saintly souls are marching to meet the challenge, to serve and uplift humanity. It is their victory, granted by His light and His Hand, unto Infinity. With prosperity, reality, and grace. That the Will of God may prevail, and our Will may recognize it. Sat Naam.
©Copyright and Medical Disclaimer: The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Reminder: when practicing Kundalini Yoga, remember to “Tune in” with the Adi Mantra before you begin
The Master’s Touch: On Being a Sacred Teacher for the New Age
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
This book contains the lectures and meditations the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan taught during his Master’s Touch courses in July 1996, in Espanola, New Mexico and in April 1997, in Assisi, Italy. They are presented here as a resource for all people on a spiritual path looking to open new doors, to stretch or challenge themselves. Yogi Bhajan explains in Master’s Touch lectures the importance of spiritual discipline in facing the challenges of life. And most of all, he sets a blueprint of what it means to be a true and sacred spiritual teacher for this New Age, the Age of Aquarius.
‘The Master’s Touch’ is available to purchase through the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI)
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