Written by Guru Arjan Dev Ji, this Shabad brings protection in desperate situations and takes away father and mother phobia. Meditate on this Shabad or recite it 11 times a day to experience its effects.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji – Raag Majh – Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Panna 103
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
Too(n) mayraa pitaa too(n) hai mayraa maataa;
Too(n) mayraa bandhap too(n) mayraa bhraataa.
Too(n) mayraa raakhaa sabhanee thaa-ee;
Taa bhau kayhaa kaaraa jee-o.
Tumaree kirpaa tay tudh pachhaanaa;
Too(n) mayree ot too(n) hai mayraa maanaa.
Tujh bin dooja avar na ko-ee.
Sabh tayraa khayl akhaaraa jee-o.
Jee-a jant sabh tudh upaa-ay.
Jit jit bhaanaa tit tit laa-ay.
Sabh kichh keetaa tayraa hovai;
Naahee kichh asaaraa jee-o.
Naam dhi-aa-i mahaa sukh paa-i-aa.
Har gun gaa-i mayraa man seetalaa-i-aa.
Gur poorai vajee vaadhaa-ee,
Naanak jitaa bikhaaraa jee-o.
You are my Father, You are my Mother;
You are my Kinsman, You are my Brother.
You are my Protector in all places;
So why should I be fearful or anxious?
By Your Mercy You grant understanding;
You are my Support, You are my Honor.
Without You there is no other second.
All the Universe is the Arena of Your Play.
All people and all beings are created by You.
As is Your Will, so is it written.
All things are done by You;
Nothing is of our doing.
Meditating on the Naam, I have found Great Peace.
Singing the Glories of God, my soul is cooled and soothed.
By the Grace of the Perfect Guru, congratulations are pouring in:
Nanak is victorious on the arduous battlefield of life.
Listen to this Shabad
These versions, along with many others, are available to stream or download on the SikhNet Gurbani Media Center:
Here are some musicial versions of Tu Mera Pita from the Sikhnet Gurbani Media Center
Tu Mera Pita Tu Hai Mera Mata – Tejinder Kaur
Click here for a Shabad sheet for Too(n) Mayraa Pitaa
This post was drawn from the Psyche of the Golden Shield, compiled by Bibiji Inderjit Kaur with English translations by Sardarni Nirbhao Kaur Khalsa and transliterations by S.S. Sant Singh Khalsa, M.D. This resource is available to purchase through Sat Nam (Europe) or Amazon.
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