For the most part human beings identify with their physical body and think of themselves in physical terms—or perhaps at best, as a physical body and a mind. The truth is that the human being is made up of ten bodies: the physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies.
1st Soul Body
2nd Negative Mind
3rd Positive Mind
4th Neutral Mind
5th Physical Body
6th Arcline
7th Aura
8th Pranic Body
9th Subtle Body
10th Radiant Body
The Ten Bodies are powerful capacities of the psyche. Each body has specific gifts that manifest when strong, and certain deficit tendencies that surface when weak.
Your caliber is determined by the balance of your Ten Bodies. You can strengthen any of the Ten Bodies by developing an ability to identify which body is out of balance and then practicing the appropriate technology to strengthen that body.
In order to understand how each of the Ten Bodies manifests when it is fully developed, it is useful to examine the lives of each of the Ten Sikh Gurus. Though each of the Gurus were Masters or perfected beings, in each of their lives we can see examples of how each one clearly personified one of the virtues associated with the Ten Bodies.
The root of all disease exists first in one of these spiritual or energy bodies before it manifests outwardly. Therefore, by strengthening and balancing the Ten Bodies, we can make ourselves healthier as well.
Balancing the Ten Bodies
Kundalini Yoga with its systemized kriyas works to balance and activate the Ten Bodies. Therefore, a regular, sincere practice of Kundalini Yoga is a comprehensive way to work on all Ten Bodies at once.
If you are aware of a weakness or imbalance in one particular body, and you wish to focus on strengthening and balancing that body in particular, you can:
- Choose a meditation that works that particular body, or that uses a mantra associated with strengthening that aspect.
- Chant the songs (Gurbani) or teachings of the corresponding Guru. You may study his life and words as well.
© 2003 KRI – The Aquarian Teacher KRI International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level One Textbook
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