With gratitude for the artwork by G.S. Sohan Singh of art-heritage.com
This shabad brings prosperity and fulfills all desires. Recite or sing the shabad 11 times a day as a meditation for prosperity.
This Shabad brings the joy of merging with the Divine and opens one to the infinite flow of prosperity by attuning the mind to the creative power of Infinity.
Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ~ Ang 670
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Ichhaa poorak sarab sukh-daata har jaa kai vas hai kaamdhaynaa.
So aisaa har Dhi-aa-ee-ai mayray jee-arhay taa sarab sukh paavahi mayray manaa. ||1||
Jap man sat naam sadaa sat naam.
Halat palat mukh oojal ho-ee hai nit Dhi-aa-ee-ai har purakh niranjanaa. Rahaa-o.
Jah har simran bha-i-aa tah upaadh gat keenee vadbhaagee har japnaa.
Jan naanak ka-o gur ih mat deenee jap har bhavjal tarnaa. ||2||6||12||
English Translation
God is the fulfiller of desires and the giver of total peace. Under God’s power is the mythical wish-fulfilling Goddess.
Meditate on God, Oh my soul. Then you shall obtain total peace, Oh my mind. ||1||
Chant Sat Nam, Oh my mind. Ever chant Sat Nam.
In this world and the world beyond your face shall become radiant by continually meditating on The Immaculate Lord. ||Pause||
Wherever God is remembered in meditation, misfortune disappears. By great good fortune we meditate on God.
Nanak has been blessed with this understanding; by meditating on God, we cross the turbulent world ocean. ||2||6||12||
Listen to a recording of the Jap Man Sat Nam shabad by Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa.
Listen to the following recording of Jap Man Sat Nam repeated 11 times by Singh Sahib Guru Darbar Singh Khalsa.
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If you would like one of these meditation cards, email your mailing address to marketplace@sikhdharma.org with “Altar Card Please” in the subject line. Specify in the email that you would like to receive the “Guru Ram Das” altar card.
*We would like to offer special appreciation for the artwork of Guru Ram Das used for this altar card by G.S. Sohan Singh from art-heritage.com
For meditations, mantras, lectures, and articles that promote and enhance prosperous living visit our Prosperity Tools Page or email dasvandh@sikhdharma.org
Rajeev Kumar says:
Dhan Dhan Guru Ram das ji,
Can you add SGGS ji Ang somewhere
Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Rajeev Kumar, this shabad is located in SGGS on Ang 670.
Vinod Tanwar says:
Sat Nam sada Satnam
Devta Singh says:
Marta de lourdes says:
Sat Nam jis!Estoy feliz de haberlos encontrado,es un bello regalo del Gurú. …
Rupinder Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Naam Marta,
Gracias! Te invitamos a compartir esta información y nuestro sitio web con más personas para que pueden ser inspiradas igualmente =)
Sukhbir Sandhu says:
How can I download guru raj kaur
Sada Bahar Kaur Khalsa says:
Here is a link to Sikhnet’s Gurbani Media Center’s page for Guru Raj Kaur’s.
Rita says:
Very nice! I was hoping to get the harmonium notes for this shabad.
Rasjot Kaur says:
Sat Nam, thank you for posting this beautiful shabad! Is there a possibility to download the recording with 11 repetitions? It would really help to recite it. Love Rasjot
Guru Prakash Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Rasjot,
Here is the link to the 11 repetitions track of this shabd: https://www.sikhdharma.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/GDS-Jap-Man-Sat-Nam.mp3
From this page you can right click on the play button and click on “save video as” to download the track onto your computer. Thank you!
Ambi says:
Hi could you tell me where this is from in the Guru Granth Sahib ji ?
Guru Prakash Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Ambi, This Shabad can be found in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib on page 669
ryan singh says:
i am a 18 year old Sikh British born and unfortunately i do not speak Punjabi please could you send me the guru granth sahib translated in English many thanks ryan singh
Sada Bahar Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Ryan Singh, Thank you for your note. There are some wonderful apps that have the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in Gurmukhi,Transliteration and English and you can set them to show which you would like shown. Have a look at “My Guru.”
Also have you thought about taking Gurmukhi classes so you can read the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in Gurumukhi. There may be classes in a Gurdwara or Sikh Centre near you or you could also study online. Many blessings!