Category: Music

The Sikh National Anthem (aka Chanting Sat Nam)

This is an old classic 3HO song titled “The Sikh National Anthem” which was written by Guru Dass Singh Khalsa back in the 1970s, when many young westerners were learning about Sikhism and sharing the inspiration and love for the Guru through music. Click on the above link for a version of this The Sikh National Anthem

Sat Nam the Grace Within You Shines through You

This beautiful song was written by Gurutrang Singh and sung by our 3HO community at solstices and other gatherings for many years. Sat Nam the Grace within you, Shines thru you forevermore, Sat Nam the Grace within you, Shines thru you forevermore, That you may manifest His Perfect Name, That you may manifest His Perfect
Let Your Light Shine

Daily HGRD Aquarian Sadhana

Hacienda de Guru Ram Das (HGRD), the "Mother Ashram" hosts daily Aquarian Sadhana. This event is streamed through the HGRD YouTube channel. The schedule is as follows (US/Eastern time zone): 3:40 am Japji Sahib 4:00 am Kundalini Yoga 4:45 am Aquarian Chanting 6:00 am Gurdwara

Jai TayGang ~ A Shabad for Prosperity and Imperial Dignity

Leer en Español Chanting and surrounding yourself with this Shabad will bring protection, prosperity, royalty and grace and will cut through karmic blocks. Written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and included in the Dasam Granth, this shabad calls upon and bows to the power of the divine sword that represents the
Jai Taygang Front Image

Like Water with Water: Virtual Kirtan & Fundraiser

The Guru Ram Das Ashram in Millis, Massachusetts, USA invites you for an afternoon of Virtual Kirtan Saturday, November 6 from 12 - 6pm EDT! This fundraiser brings together nine beautiful musicians in service to the community’s two newest projects: Nanak’s Kitchen and the Water Feature Restoration Project. Featured artists include Snatam Kaur & Sopurkh
Nanaks Kitchen Fundraiser

Ardas Bhaee: A Mantra of Answered Prayers

This mantra calls upon the third Sikh Guru, Guru Amar Das, and the fourth Sikh Guru, Guru Ram Das, to answer one's prayers. Guru Amar Das represents the energy of grace, mercy and hope in hopeless circumstances. Guru Ram Das represents the energy of divine healing and miracles. 
ardas bhaee-cropped