It is easy to keep positive when our circumstances are supporting us, but how do we maintain our spiritual upliftment when times are hard?
There is a concept in Sikh Dharma called ‘Chardi Kala’ or Every Rising Spirit. It means that no matter the environments, circumstances or energies, our spirit remains high. The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan explains that this comes from the practice of consciously seeing God in every situation, no matter how good or bad.
That sounds easy to do, right? But difficult in practice, especially when obstacles seem enormous or overwhelming.
The Siri Guru Granth Sahib offers a path forward through the sound current of the Shabad Guru. The Shabad Guru is based on the vibration of the soul: we go into the energy that we would like to be in (Chardi Kala) and keep our vibration strong from this point.
The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan once had a serious heart surgery that carried a lot of risk. When he returned, everyone around him was very somber with downcast faces, as this was difficult to go through and witness. When he saw me, he told me to be happy; that this would serve him far better than my being somber or downcast. I thought about this further and saw that when we hold our vibration steady and high, it assists others to do so and offers us a chance to send our prayers from this space of Chardi Kala, rather than from despair. It’s very effective and a most rewarding practice.
How to get started
Each of us go through difficulties in different ways and challenges bring up different memories or programs for each of us. There are many shabads to practice, so find the ones that offer you the most comfort and relief. Ideally, they would open your heart, give you faith and allow you to come into a place of understanding that all is in God’s hands. From this place, you can then make your prayer for the energy of God’s Grace to expand to a particular situation or for yourself. Here is one that is helpful for hard times:
Shabad for Difficult Times ~ Aukhi Ghari Na Dekhan Day
This shabad puts us in a place of deep connection and trust so that our consciousness is absorbed with the Divine and we don’t need to experience challenges as painful.
Audio Links:
On the album, “Ardas” by Prabhu Nam Kaur (entitled “Prabh Sio Laag”)
Visit Sikhnet.com for many more options
You can recite this for 11 times per day or more (even 108 times!)
Singing or Chanting:
Sing along to a musical version in the links above or sing this yourself in any version. It can be done for 11 minutes, 31 minutes or longer, as you like.
You can sit down and meditate to this shabad for 11 minutes, 31 minutes or longer, as a meditation and go into the vibration, or you can keep it playing in your house or work to put yourself in the vibration of the shabad throughout the day.
Raj says:
Can you please send me this Shabad
Guruamrit Kaur (SDI) says:
Sat Nam Raj! Can you describe what you would like us to send you for this Shabad? I am with SDI and am happy to help.
Kaur says:
Can you please send me shabad in Hindi?
kelly says:
thank you
Mata Mandir Kaur Khalsa says:
Thank you for sending this Shabad. It came at the moment I needed it.
Roop singh says:
Thanks . You explained in this article everything is in God’s hands. Ok I believe you. But I need some shabad to be financially good in this world . Because I want to settle on USA or Canada which is not possible without money . If everything is in God’s hands then he must provide me money to fulfill my desires. And never show me wrong way in my life .
Tushar says:
Start chanting “Prabh ke simran ridh sidh nau nidh” .
Chant it as much as possible or even you can find a video on YouTube and listen to it.
This will resolve your financial problems.
God’s name can give anything to you.
It can even change your destiny.
Roop singh says:
Thanks for this shabad. But I have a question if God means waheguru is our owner as you say in this shabad everything is in God’s hands. Then why God gives enough money to some people and to some people nothing to eat . Why? If you have ans. Tell me , I will wait.
Jagwinder Singh says:
This is his mauj, whatever he likes he gives, everything that happens is under his command(hukam).
Gubani pharase Is like this,
Hukme ander sabko baahar hukam na koe.
Daniel Bhalla says:
In fact people also say: RAB jo karda, changahi karda. In other words, there’s a reason behind everything God does. (we might just don’t see or understand it)
Kaur says:
Yes right
Tushar says:
Yes, It is true that some people get way more than what is required where as some people havw nothing to eat but it is their karmas which they did in their past lives.
And here comes the power of god’s name which clear all the sins from our souls and help us to lead a good life.