About: Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Chatr Chakr Vartee – This Shabad Removes Fear, Anxiety, and Depression and Brings Victory

Written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, this Shabad removes fear, anxiety, depression and phobias. It brings victory. Meditate on this Shabad or recite it 11 times a day to experience this energy in your life. The reading of these words instills courage and fearlessness into the fiber of the person.
Sikh Art by Sewa Singh - SikhPhotos.com.

Video Series on Overcoming Depression with Rajveer Singh

We are blessed to share Rajveer Singh's wisdom and practical ideas to help in overcoming depression during these times of challenge on the planet. In these videos Rajveer Singh shares teachings from Sikh Dharma and the technology of Kundalini Yoga that can help in overcoming feelings of depression and alleviating anxiety.
Rajveer Depression videos

Meditation on Change

To be happy through all change and to have the full radiance of your soul, there must be surrender of yourself to your higher Self.To aid the process of self-evaluation and to probe the ego to change and unblock subconscious communication, practice this meditation each day.
Meditation on Change 1