The meditation we will practice will transform the totality of your being. We will take a deep dive into the essence and meaning of each akhara (word) contained in the Mool Mantra of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and discover the pathway to our inner selves and the nature of the Cosmos. Best to do this class on an empty stomach or having only eaten lightly.This course includes simultaneous English and Spanish instruction!
About the Instructors
M.S.S. Kirtan-Singh Khalsa has been a Sikh of the Guru and student of Kundalini Yoga since 1977. He has been active in serving the Guru Ram Das Ashram Los Angeles community since 1981. He became a Minister of Sikh Dharma in 1985 and has dedicated a large portion of his life to service of the Guru. He has a deep passion for sharing the Guru’s Teachings and brings his deep knowledge, experience, and wisdom to bear to share generously with all.
S.S. Rupinder Kaur Khalsa is a Level 1&2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a Professional Trainer at the KRI Academy and a Sikh Dharma Minister. In 2016, she moved to Ottawa, Canada and currently serves the Sikh community in town. As a Digital Marketing Specialist, she loves working with female entrepreneurs.
Learn More about the Mool Mantra / Aprender Más acerca de Mool Mantra
Sikh Dharma International Academy – Now Offering Online Classes during COVID-19
SDI hosts the SDI Academy tent at the Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration at Ram Das Puri, outside of Espanola, NM, USA and at the Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration at the Circle F Dude Ranch in Lake Wales, FL, USA. There are as many as 20+ classes on various aspects of Sikh Dharma which involve numerous well-known teachers. In addition to classes, every evening the SDI tent hosts a Gurbani Kirtan Program and ends each day with the recitation of Kirtan Sohila.
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