Posted by Sikh Dharma Brotherhood& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations, Your Stories
This is an article from a 1978 issue of Sikh Dharma Brotherhood, written by Shakti Kaur.
As I walked through the street, en route for the first time to the Harimandir Sahib, there grew a welling up inside of me, an inner excitement almost like that of a child on the advent…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Brotherhood& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Este es un artículo de una edición de 1978 de Sikh Dharma Brotherhood, escrito por M.S.S. Krishna Kaur Khalsa, donde recuerda su experiencia en 1971, escuchando el mantra “Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru” por primera vez.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Brotherhood& filed under 04-Guru Ram Das, Community, Legacy Organizations
This is an article from a 1978 issue of Sikh Dharma Brotherhood, written by M.S.S. Krishna Kaur Khalsa, where she recounts her experience in 1971 of hearing the "Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru" mantra for the first time.
It was a cool morning in mid-January. I got up…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Brotherhood& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Día de Baisakhi, 1699, era un día lleno de actividades seguramente para todas las personas. La cosecha fue buena este año – teníamos justo la cantidad correcta de lluvia y sol para producir una gran cosecha de trigo de invierno – y todos estaban de buen ánimo. El día amaneció con un cielo sin nubes…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Brotherhood& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh
Baisakhi Day, 1699, it was an eventful day, to be sure, for all people. The harvest was good that year — we had just the right amount of rain and sun to yield a large crop of winter wheat — and all were in fine spirits. The day dawned with a cloudless sky and the…
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