Bring Inner Peace and Blessings with “Sat Naaraa-in”

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How do you start from nothing and create something? Go into the Infinite identity where all is possible and start.

Here is a simple chant that takes you there.

Sat naaraa-iṉ waaheguru.
Experiencing the Essence of the True Sustainer, the experience of bliss brings one into a clear state of awareness.

Haree naaraa-iṉ satinaam. 
The Seed of that Sustainer is planted within the one who chants God’s Name, and this brings forth the True Identity of the Soul into this life.

“Chanting this mantra gives inner peace, happiness, and good fortune. It makes you intuitively clear and pure in your consciousness.” – Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan (1)

I recently recorded this mantra on our newest album, Beloved. Through the process of preparing to record, recording, and now listening, it has been a blessed journey to chant these powerful words.

“Naaraa-in” is God. In the Hindu mythology, this form of “naaraa-in” (with “aa”) comes from the aspect of Vishnu, who rises up out of the ocean, or the unknown, with the energy of creation. At times, we also see “naraa-in” with just one “a” written in the beginning of the word. This reflects the energy of how God manifests on the earth plane, in the form of “nar,” which means human being. I chose to go with the “naaraa-in” spelling for this recording, with the intention to chant and feel the aspect of God that arises from the unknown.

When we chant “Sat Naaraa-in,” we are affirming that this energy of “naaraa-in” exists and is true. “Sat” means truth, and as we chant it, we seal the vibration of truth into the navel center, especially if one is singing from the navel center with gusto.

Then, when we chant “Waaheguru,” this sacred word has the action of transforming and clearing energy that is no longer serving or working. “Waah” is bliss, or the wow factor. It has the same effect on the mind as the action of opening a window to a room. As the fresh air comes in, we are filled with a sense of relief, in the same way that “Waah” fills the mind with relief when chanted with heart.

“He” is the here and now. When we chant it, we confirm with the universe that we have received “Waah!” It is the landing pad, so to speak, and allows our reality to be aligned with it. “Guru” is that which takes us from darkness into light. The Guru is the spark, or the fire. It is change and causes change.

If you wish to remain sedentary, don’t chant it. It will change you when chanted with awareness. In this first line, we are affirming the true presence of “naaraa-in” and then allowing it to clean and clear us out. Because we allow for this clearing out, the non-personal God becomes personal to us with “waaheguru.”

That is the first half of the mantra.

Sat naaraa-iṉ waaheguru. 

I invite you to sit with that and reflect a moment.

Then, we chant “haree,” which is the seed or creativity of the Divine. This word “haree” allows us to go deep in our consciousness, opening doors that cannot open otherwise. This is required for healing to begin, as we traverse down beyond the fear, the hatred, and the resentment into a place of infinite grace.

“Haree” takes us there, but then we follow it with the word “naaraa-in” so that this energy of “naaraa-in” can go deep into our beings as well. Then we have a way to reach the unknown, always, from this place deep within, because “naaraa-in” is all about creating something from nothing!

And it is not just anything that we are creating, but what comes from “naaraa-in” is by law of nature in tune with the vibratory frequency of the soul. This vibration carries the promise that was given to every soul, which is that it will be united back with God. Naaraa-in fulfills that promise.

Finally, we give ourselves the blessing of “satinaam,” the Panj Shabad, that which takes us beyond our ego through the five primal sounds (four syllables with the fifth sound being “aa”):

Saa: Infinity
Taa: Life
Naa: Death
Maa: Birth

This experience of infinity, life, death, and birth is the primal cycle of all existence. When we experience this primal cycle through the form of mantra, it cleanses us and allows us to live in the soul’s true identity.

In the second half of this mantra, “naraa-in” is seeded within our hearts, and we are blessed with living in the true identity of the soul.

Haree naaraa-iṉ satinaam. 

There is a beautiful meditation from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan that I would like to share with you called the “Heart Shield Meditation” that utilizes the Sat Naaraa-in mantra. (2)


Heart Shield Meditation

Sit straight, with the left hand in front of the heart center, palm facing the chest 4-6 inches away. Keep the fingers and fingertips straight and tense. The forearm is parallel  to the ground. The right arm is straight, resting over the knee. Hold the right hand in Gyan Mudra, with the fore finger curled under the thumb and the other fingers straight and joined.

Eyes are closed. Chant the “Sat Naaraa-in” mantra.

For this meditation, you can chant with your own voice, no music, in a monotone. Use the music of this track to get to know the mantra. Use your own voice chanting in monotone without the music to heal yourself. It is important to concentrate your awareness at the left hand, and not the head. Keep the left hand stiff, which will, in combination with the mantra, activate the magnetic field, create a shield, and deliver nectar to the heart.

Continue for 3, 5 or 7 minutes.

“I have given you something which is very sacred and sacred if you overdo it, you understand what that means? Over drinking of nectar can sometime give a bad belly so just at times three to five to seven minutes.” – Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan

To reflect over “naaraa-in” is an incredible practice, and there is a beautiful poem by the fifth Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, that explores “naaraa-in” deeply. You can listen to many beautiful musical versions of this poem, and read about the meaning to continue your exploration, here (through the SikhNet Gurbani Media Center).



  1. Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, The Aquarian Teacher, (Santa Cruz, NM: Kundalini Research Institute, 2005), pg. 85-87.
  2. Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, as found on the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings, lecture given November 10, 1980.

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