Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 05-Guru Arjan, Dharmic Education, Sikh History
...Gurbani Kirtan and leads Kirtan in communities around the world, having released several recordings of kirtan and mantras. Pritpal Singh is also a KRI-certified Lead Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Dharmic Education, Sikh History
...1972. He has studied Gurbani Kirtan and leads kirtan in communities around the world, having released several recordings of kirtan and mantras. Pritpal Singh is also a KRI-certified Lead Teacher...…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...preparada con el mayor respeto hacia la higiene y con una consciencia elevada a través de recitar Gurbani (las palabras del Guru) durante la preparación, al cocinar y al servir....…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...versiones en audio de este Shabad, cortesía del Centro de Medios Gurbani de SikhNet: Profesor Satnam Singh Sethi – Santaa Kay Kaaraj Aap Khaloiaa Haz clic aquí para...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Gurpurbs
...if the fragrance of one flower was being pushed upon all the other flowers. Within Gurbani, we hear this kind of essence being spread as well. We hear, ਗੁਰਪਰਸਾਦਿ ਪਰਮਪਦੁ...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...Gurbani Media Center Pincha aquí para descargar la letra del Shabad Ram Das Sarovar Nate Esta publicación fue obtenida del libro Psyche of the Golden Shield, compilado por Bibiji...…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
...Singh and Tejbir Kaur with our most beautiful Sangat of Buenos Aires. At our favorite Argentine restaurant in Buenos Aires having a farewell dinner with the family of Gurbani...…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...causa un real cambio en la química de tu sangre. El Siri Singh Sahib dijo, “A medida que vibras, el Universo vibra contigo.” Es la recitación del Gurbani (las palabras...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Prayer, Publications
...of long hair, the gift of faith and confidence in Thee, the gift of reading and understanding Thy Gurbani, and most of all, the gift of Thy Holy Name O...…
Posted by SS Gurujot Kaur Khalsa, Secretary General& filed under Events, The Guru
...the words were originally uttered. Each day a Jatha, a small group of musicians, played Gurbani Kirtan, and we were blessed to have beautiful kirtan played by Snatam Kaur and...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under
...and birds, demons and angels alike.” “Once the honeybees sat on a branch to create honey. A tape of Gurbani was played at a distance constantly. That beehive gave three...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...SikhNet Gurbani Media Center Pincha aquí para descargar la letra de Prabh Kille Kirpa Nidhan Esta publicación fue obtenida del libro Psyche of the Golden Shield, compilado por...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
...tenemos que buscarlas. Siri Singh Sahib – 4 de abril de 1974 Recitaciones Musicales Disfruta esta recitación musical por Wahe Guru Kaur (WHA!) cortesía de SikhNet Gurbani Media Center:…