Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Bani
Here are some resources that can help support your Japji Sahib practice, and deepen your meditative experience with this beautiful Bani!…
Posted by Shanti Kaur Khalsa& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Sikh History
Guru’s four young sons, the Sahibzadas, lived with their parents in the city of Anandpur: Baba Ajit Singh, Baba Jujhar Singh, Baba Zorawar Singh, and Baba Fateh Singh.…
Posted by Pritpal Singh Khalsa& filed under 09-Guru Teg Bahadur, Our Authors, Sikh History
There are many examples through history of people who gave their lives to defend their religious beliefs. But Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed his life to defend the right of the followers of other religions to practice their religious beliefs.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 10-Guru Gobind Singh, Gurpurbs, Publications
Guru Gobind Singh (1666 - 1708), the Tenth Guru, was an outstanding example of the Sikh ideal of the “Soldier-Saint.” A courageous warrior, he was also an inspired poet, and a prolific writer. He is remembered as a valiant defender of the poor, the meek and the oppressed masses of India.…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Your Stories
Guru Nanak is regarded by the Sikhs and many others as a Messenger of God, an enlightened Teacher, a champion of human dignity and peace among faiths, and a brilliant spiritual Light for all humanity.…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, International Articles, Legacy Organizations
Cinco siglos después del fallecimiento de Guru Nanak, sus palabras aún resuenan con sus seguidores. Revisemos 10 de sus enseñanzas que tienen sentido hasta el día de hoy.…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Legacy Organizations
Five centuries after the passing of Guru Nanak, his words still resonate with his followers. Let's take a look at 10 of his teachings that make sense to this day.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 05-Guru Arjan, Gurpurbs, Sikh History
Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Sikh Guru, is honoured for his profound contributions to Sikhism. His Gurugaddi, or installation as the Guru, marks a pivotal moment in Sikhism, shaping its trajectory and establishing foundations for future growth.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under 04-Guru Ram Das, Gurpurbs, Sikh History
Guru Ram Das Ji’s Jotijot, or the moment of his passing, represents a crucial transition in Sikhism and reflects his enduring influence on the religion.…
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