Video: Roots of Sikh Dharma – The Sikh Gurus After Nanak

Pritpal Singh taught the third “Roots of Sikh Dharma” class on December 9, part of the “Dharma Dive Live” series happening every Wednesday at 3 p.m. EST on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. The topic for Episode 3 was the Sikh Gurus after Nanak.



About Pritpal Singh – SDI Director of Dharmic Education

S.S. Pritpal Singh Khalsa has been a Sikh and a student of the Siri Singh Sahib/Yogi Bhajan since 1972. He has studied Gurbani Kirtan and leads kirtan in communities around the world, having released several recordings of kirtan and mantras. Pritpal Singh is also a KRI-certified Lead Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and is involved in several Level 1 and Level 2 trainings around the world each year. He is also a Yogic Life Coach and presents workshops on topics such as Meditating on Purpose, Conscious Relationships, Sacred Sound, Emotional Competency and Accessing the Divine Masculine.

Pritpal Singh is focused on the development of programs that uplift people with the virtues and values of Sikh Dharma – through education, networking, seva and community building. Pritpal believes that it is essential to listen deeply to what is needed, envision through cooperation and creativity, and then lead with a strong sense of collaboration and teamwork to deliver positive world-wide impact.


“Roots of Sikh Dharma” is a monthly program in our weekly Dharma Dive LIVE series with Pritpal Singh – Live on Facebook and YouTube Wednesdays at 3 p.m. (EST) 

Here is a summary of the programs in this series:

  1. Learna-Shabad: This program will present one shabad to enable viewers to learn how to sing these sacred sounds. Some time will be spent learning how to pronounce these words. Some time will focus on learning one melody and how to play in on a harmonium.
  2. The Roots of Sikh Dharma: In this series each program will cover a topic to help understand the fundamental aspects of Sikh Dharma. Sometimes there will be a presentation about Sikh history and other times there will be a discussion about Sikh practices or philosophy.
  3. Your Miracle Mantra Moment: This is a continuing of an earlier program based around 11 minutes of chanting of the shabad, Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur for healing and generating peace. After the chanting there will be discussion of related topics.
  4. HomeKirtan & Chat: This is also the continuation of an earlier program. In this series we invite a kirtan musician or group to join us. We will listen to some kirtan and then we will discuss their history and/or music.
  5. Dialogs on Dharma: This is a new series where there will be a different guest or guests invited to discuss current events in our Sikh Dharma community and to discuss points within Sikhi that are difficult to understand or apply in these times.

All sessions will include Q & A time to allow interaction with our viewers.

Please join us every Wednesday on Facebook or YouTube or watch these recorded programs later.

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