Born at Zero, Died at One

YB Hand - Sikhnet

Once someone asked the Siri Singh Sahib: “Sir, we know who you are as a person, but what about the people who never got to or will get to meet you? The ones who are born after you leave your body, all of the yoga students? How can or will they be able understand who you are as a person?
The Siri Singh Sahib said: OK, take a stone as tall as I am  (6′ 2.5″), and write on it: “Siri Singh Sahib blah blah blah.”  (Yes, I heard him say it exactly like that. He had many titles but did not care for any of them.  He said each title was just another responsibility).

He said to then write “Born zero, Died at One” and also one line of the 25th pauri of Japji: “Khetia dukh bukh sadh mar eh bee dat teri da tar. When people truly meditate on these words and understand them, then they will know my motto of how I lived my life”.  The Siri Singh Sahib described “Born Zero” as when we are born, we come with nothing.  “Died at One” means that we die when our consciousness is at one with God, not when our physical bodies die. (This is what the Guru always talks about in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib – dying while being alive).

The translation of the above-mentioned line in the 25th pauri is “even the worse pain, hunger, trouble and sorrow which happens in my life I accept as a gift from God.”  When someone wins $1000, the reaction oftentimes is “Thank God.” However when someone gets a bill from the IRS, how many people say “Thank you, God.”  Ifsomeone gets in a car accident, whoever says then “Thank God?”  For the Siri Singh Sahib everything in life was a gift from God, and so this line was his motto of how he lived his life.

Once a very well-known man from India came to see the Siri Singh Sahib.  He had heard the Yogi was dying and wanted to meet him while he was alive. Upon leaving I was escorting him to his car, and he turned around, looked at the dome and said:  “This is truly a saint.”  I asked him what he meant. He explained: “I have seen him for the past few days. And I could see he was in a terrible pain, but he never complained. I have visited many people in India who claimed to be saints, yogis and babajis. But when they got sick, they all complained: “Oh God, why is this happening to me?” and so on. But Yogi Bhajan never uttered a complaint even once.  He is a a true saint.”

One the back of the stone the Siri Singh Sahib had put the “Song of the Khalsa”. He said “this is the essence of the history of the Sikhs.”

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