Article written by Simran Kaur Khalsa and Sat Tara Kaur Khalsa, Sikh Dharma of Colorado Community Development Committee

Singing at the Denver AME Church with Colorado Singh Sabha’s Ragis
Since Spring 2016, with the visit of Dr. Kirpal Singh and Varnjeet Kaur to Boulder, the Sikh Dharma community and yogic community have come together to revive the Sikh Dharma of Colorado organization.
A Community Development Committee was soon created, and ideas were manifesting regarding building a strong community of Sikhs and yogis, and creating events to be sponsored by Sikh Dharma of Colorado.
The first inspiring project launched was the “Songs of the Guru”: 11 evenings of kirtan, chanting, storytelling and meditation for each one of the ten Gurus and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, offered every two months. These evenings started in Boulder, then were offered in Denver and are now back in Boulder.
With a constant desire to bring peace to this world and to experience peace within, the “Meditation for Peace Series” was created, allowing diverse people to come to Sat Tara Kaur and Akbar Singh’s cozy home.
Simran Kaur is very involved with the Colorado Singh Sabha gurdwara community, teaching kids to meditate as well as teaching them about various Sikh topics, helping with the Vaisakhi Celebration and Nagar Kirtan in Denver, and representing Sikh Dharma at several interfaith events including a very unique interfaith event at the Mile High Church in Denver, where a Gurdwara was created in another faith Church.
We continue to participate with organizations such as “Colorado Sikhs” in serving the homeless in the park. Enjoy this video about this service

Guru Raj Singh teaching Kundalini Yoga at the Denver Sikh Gurdwara
Guru Raj Singh recently moved to Colorado and is now teaching Kundalini Yoga once a month at the Denver Sikh Gurdwara in Englewood.
Sikh Dharma of Colorado partnered with “Raj Yoga + Meditation” for the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan’s birthday last year. Sarb Nam Kaur, who visited us, came with some presents from Sikh Dharma International and 3HO to be offered at the birthday celebration. Raj Yoga also hosts kirtans, sadhanas and chanting for Guru Ram Das’ Birthday.
We held a very inspiring, informative and creative “Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Summit” at Raj Yoga on October 15, 2017, where teachers could share their challenges, ask for specific support and share their ideas for future community events.
The Kundalini Yoga communities in Boulder, Denver and Crestone continue to thrive with many classes, teacher trainings, retreats, courses, meals for the homeless and amazing concerts. Over 200 people have taken Teacher Training and about 200 students attend Kundalini Yoga classes per week!
Sikh Dharma of Colorado created:
- A new website:
- A Facebook page:
- A google group for Kundalini Yoga teachers to share about their upcoming classes, workshops, need for a substitute, questions or ideas for future creative projects
- An informative brochure
Sikh Dharma of Colorado helped fund the production of a moving short film about prejudice toward Sikhs, written and directed by Hari Mitar Singh, called Eyes on Unity. And Members of our Boulder community continue to serve the homeless at the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless with a delicious vegetarian meal.
We were recently blessed to have a visit from the Chardi Kala Jatha, here in Boulder, at Raj Yoga. It was one of the highlights of our year. The music transported us into a blissful state. Sada Sat Simran Singh did an amazing job of explaining the connections between Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma throughout history. His loving presence and masterful musicianship delighted us for hours. We all felt elated and profoundly changed on subtle soul levels. We hope they come back soon!
The Chardi Kala Jatha was also invited to play at both Gurdwaras the next day, where many people were impressed by their skills of singing in true Raag and already wish for them to return soon.
We are thrilled to announce our first White Tantric Yoga in years, to be held in Boulder on October 26, 2019. Please mark your calendars now and come visit us in beautiful Boulder.

Our new Kundalini Yoga Teachers from Raj Yoga teacher training
We welcome teachers!
If you wish to visit us and teach, please contact us at We would love to hear from you.
We welcome writers!
Email us at
Sikh Dharma of Colorado Board:
S.S. Kirpal Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., President
Shivraj Kaur Fouts, Vice President
S.S. Sarb Nam Kaur Khalsa, Secretary/Treasurer
S.S. Ekongkar Singh Khalsa
S.S. Pritpal Singh Khalsa
Satkirtan Kaur Carruth

Community Development Committee: Shivraj Kaur, Sat Tara Kaur, Simran Kaur, Akbar Singh.

New Committee member SatKirtan Kaur.
Sikh Dharma of Colorado Community Development Committee:
Shivraj Kaur Fouts, SDCO Vice President
Satkirtan Kaur Carruth, SDCO Board Member
S.S. Sat Tara Kaur Khalsa, Community Liaison to the Board
S.S. SimranKaur Khalsa, Community Liaison & Webmaster
Akbar Singh Khalsa
SatSundri Kaur says:
Wahe Guru. Wonderful to read about the fantastic consolidation and growth – commendable and beautiful!
SatSundri Kaur says:
Wahe Guru!! Wonderful to read about the fantastic consolidation and growth! Beautiful!