Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Publications, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
Samskaras are the account of karmas you have earned in the previous life. The physical body was granted to you according to those samskaras. Then you make the karma in this life; samskaras and karma get together and that guides your destiny.…
Posted by Aquarian Times& filed under Siri Singh Sahib Ji, Your Stories
"I am walking my last mile," Yogi Bhajan said. "Soon it will be time for me to leave my physical body behind." There are 25 of us Kundalini Yoga teachers sitting on the grass near his cabin in the warm summer sun of Mendocino, California, at one of the very first Summer Solstice celebrations. "Do…
Posted by Aquarian Times& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Publications, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
With an endless flow of inspiration, his words always carry right to the heart of each listener. The same themes appear over and over throughout the years, yet always freshly presented and always expanding greater self-awareness for the student. There is no way to fully encompass the vast library of Yogi Bhajan's teachings. In each…
Posted by Aquarian Times& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations, Music
Before Enya, before Deva Premal, and before today's burgeoning chant music movement, there was Singh Kaur. In the 1970s and 1980s Singh Kaur was the best-selling vocalist in the New Age music scene. She was the first American Sikh musician whose music reached beyond 3HO and impacted the worldwide spiritual community.…
Posted by Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Guru Amrit Kaur había asumido recién un trabajo como la nueva secretaria de Yogi Bhajan en 1974, pero un momento crítico, se convirtió en su guardaespaldas. Aquí hay un artículo de la edición de Invierno de 2005 d Aquarian Times, donde ella recuerda ese tiempo y cuenta la historia en sus propias palabras:…
Posted by Guru Singh Khalsa& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Qué es eso?” Escuché una gran voz detrás de mi preguntando, mientras lijaba una antigua silla de madera Thonet. Giré para ver a Yogi Bhajan, mi nuevo maestro, inclinándose sobre mi con la Mirada más inquisitiva. “Es mi turbante, Señor,” respondí con gran entusiasmo.…
Posted by Guru Singh Khalsa& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations
What is that?” I heard a huge voice behind me asking, as I sanded an antique Thonet bentwood chair. I turned to see Yogi Bhajan, my new teacher, towering over me with a most inquisitive stare. “It’s my turban, Sir,” I responded with great enthusiasm. It was actually a scarf that I’d managed to wrap enough…
Posted by Aquarian Times& filed under Community, Music
In this article written in 2004 by Guru Dass Singh, which was originally published in the Aquarian Times, Winter of 2005 (Vol. 4, No. 4) Edition, he explores the first 35 years of music in 3HO.
I wanted to be a rock star. I had left Puerto Rico for Boston in…
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