About: interfaith

The Lotus Temple

As part of the Raj Khalsa Yatra, we will have the opportunity to visit this exquisite Bahá'í  place of worship.  Here is some information about it. About the Lotus Temple The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India, is a Bahá'í House of Worship completed in 1986. Notable for its flowerl-ike shape, it serves as the

NY Interfaith Walk Draws on Diversity

This article is courtesy of the Sikh Dharma Ministry New York is a culturally diverse place colored with an amazing collection of very alive cultural centers and religious communities. My husband and I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, where it is an odd church that has not been converted to a condominium or health

10th Anniversary of 9/11: Sikhs Participate in Interfaith Service

After 9/11/2001, Snatam Kaur Khalsa and Siri Kaur Khalsa initiated the first interfaith gathering in Eugene, Oregon. The historic 1st Christian Church provided a space for the initial gathering. The church has continued to host an interfaith prayer service on the 11th of every month ever since.  The church is 150 years
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa.preview

6th Annual South-Eastern European Prayer Gathering

First Time Sikh Participation at South East European Prayer Breakfast By Simran Singh I'm hoping you'll enjoy the attached article on a recent trip I took to represent us in Serbia and Bosnia. I attended the South East European Prayer Breakfast, which is an event that resembles the US National Prayer Breakfast. It is