Complete Mantra
Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru,
Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee,
Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru,
Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee
From the Master’s Touch published by KRI:
This mantra calls upon the Third Sikh Guru, Guru Amar Das, and the Fourth Sikh Guru, Guru Ram Das, to answer one’s prayers. The literal meaning of this mantra, in the words of Yogi Bhajan, is:
“The prayer has gone out, Guru Amar Das hears the prayer and Guru Ram Das confirms it and is the true guarantee, that it is accepted”
Here are some musical renditions of Ardas Bhaee, to listen to or chant along with, courtesy of Invincible Music:
Sample of Ardas Bhaee by Anataha Choir and Avtar Singh from the album Healing Sounds of the Ancients Volume 3. You can purchase the complete track or album from Invincible Music
Sample of Ardas Bhaee by Singh Kaur, from the album Crimson Collection Volume 6 and 7. You can purchase the complete album from Invincible Music
Sample of Ardas Bhaee – Tantric Whistle by Liv & Let Liv from the album Healing Sounds of the Ancients Volume 5. You can purchase the complete track or album from Invincible Music
SikhNet’s Gurbani Media Center is also a wonderful resource with many additional versions of Ardas Bhaee available for listening online.
Kriya: Merging with Infinity/ Ardas Bhaee
Source: Praana-Praanee-Praanayam/KRI
See the Instructions for the Kriya – Merging with Infinity Praanayam
In this kriya, you whistle to Ardas Bhaee (see the whistling version above and read about it below) and are instructed to become “thoughtless” (see explanation about becoming thoughtless below)
About Whistling Ardas Bhaee
Source: Praana-Praanee-Praanayam/KRI (page 257):
On Whistling with Ardas Bhaee, Instrumental Version (Healing Sounds of the Ancients #5)
Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guroo Amar Das Guroo, Ardas BhaeeRam Das Guroo, Ram Das Guroo, Ram Das Guroo, Sachee Sahee
“Whistling is not only relaxing, it is energizing. Ardas Bhaee Instrumental has been made with that in mind. It changes the rhythmic psyche of the human into progressive and gives the human ten points.” “This is such a powerful prayer, if you can whistle it, it does what nothing else can do.”
“That whistle is the most powerful tape ever in the planet man can manifest. That tape is very good. We do not want even to say the words with it, because we don’t want to sell the words. We want people to just whistle. Because that permutation, combination, or rhythm of the breath with that whistling is most powerful. It has a very powerful subliminal effect. It’s personal… You whistle and it will rhythmically force the lungs to throw the toxins all out and you are cleansed. Whistle—it takes away fatigue. When soldiers get tired, they start whistling.”
“If virtue of whistling that prayer you do, there is no such thing as God which shall not be with you. Don’t find God. Be found by God. You will be prosperous, pure, and pleasant. Simply you have to open up.”
Explanation about Becoming Thoughtless
Source: Praana-Praanee-Praanayam/KRI:
Praanayam & Partahar
I AM, I am. We are both Infinite and finite. Partahar is the practice of paying more attention to the God within us than to the experience of the material world that is brought to us by the mind and senses.
“What is Praanayam? You expand to Infinity. If you do praanayam you can stimulate your own energy. You can always grab the impossible and make it possible.” “What is Partahar? You synchronize unto Infinity.” “It is when you squeeze (yourself) to zero. That is equally important.”
“(Partahar) is a part of yoga, a science eliminated from every book of knowledge. Pratyhar is partahar. It means bringing yourself to shuniya (neutral, the zero of your ego). If you can’t bring yourself to neutral, then no matter whether your act is positive or negative, it will always be erroneous. There shall always be mistake. You will miss the take, because you are not neutral.”
Partahar is a meditative state of pure being: “Just become thoughtless, no thought. Whatever thought comes, you are not. Cut it out. If a person does not have the power to stop the intellect from thoughts then there is no chance for entry of the God in(to) the life of that person, so you must (develop the ability to) become thoughtless now.”
Copyright: Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Sylvan says:
I have just discovered the relaxing chants of Snatam Kaur and others.
I have question – Did Yogi Bhajan include Hinduism in his teaching – or is it pure Sikhism?
Please excuse my ignorance of these matters
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
His teachings include Humanology and Kundalini Yoga and are universal in nature. You can be part of any denomination to find inspiration in his teachings. Blessings to you.
Dr Dharma says:
I dreamt of this last night. Doing tantric at Soltice with this mantra. Dhan Dhan Siri Singh Sahib ji.
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Wahe Guru. Blessings to You!
Joyce Smith (Jai Hari Kaur) says:
Sat Nam,
Thank you so much for posting this information online. While reading it I’ve become very emotional and deeply grateful
for Yogi Bhagan, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das. I forgot about the whistling I had learned decades ago, and it feels so beautiful! Is there a posture and mudra to use with it? I especially remember engaging with this mantra at White Tantric many decades ago as well. Thank you for awakening my Divine remembrance.