To celebrate the birth of Guru Nanak Dev ji, Sangat members signed up to recite Japji Sahib for a continuous 24-hour period leading up to Guru Nanak’s birthday. This event took place via Zoom November 18 – November 19, 2021.
It was a heartfelt event, where people came together in their love and devotion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Japji Sahib. Attendees and Recitation Leaders participated from India, Malaysia, Togo, Germany, France, UK, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and USA. For some, this was their first time reciting Japji Sahib in front of other people. Wahe Guru! Thank you to all who participated and helped make this Global Sangat experience possible.
We look forward to our next 24-Hour Recitation Event, which will be reciting the Shabad, Jai Tay Gang, in honor of the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. We hope you will join us then.
GuruBachan Kaur Wong says:
Sat Nam, I haven’t signed up yet but am interested. I would like to read the english translation by Ek Ong Kar Kaur. I’ve timed it and it takes 35 minutes but I think I can speed it up a bit. Is this version acceptable to read?
Arvinder Kaur says:
I do Japji Sahib path in Roman Punjabi, can read a bit of Punjabi, although I am a Punjabi, I am well versed the Punjabi Alphabet, but find difficultly in Shaera/ Bahari – for example sound EA and we.
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Wahe Guru. Many in our community recite Japji Sahib using the transliteration in Roman English letters. Others can read Gurmukhi. Either option is fine. Blessings to you.
Amrit Kaur says:
I have signed up to read Japji on the 19th. The recitation of Japji only takes about 20 minutes. I will slow it down as best as I can. What should I do during the remaining time before the next half hour slot? Start another recitation? Recite the mul mantra?
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Amrit, thanks for checking in about this. We have done the 24 hour Japji recitation before and there will most likely be gaps of “silence” between Japji recitations. The idea is to start a new Japji Sahib on the hour/half hour for the full 24 hours and if there are gaps that is OK. However, some people have chosen to do multiple recitations during their half hour, or have recited the mul mantra during the extra time, as you suggested, which is awesome too… All is good. It’s up to you. We’ll send an email out to the Japji Sahib leaders with some tips to help with the sound, and with these points and others… we look forward to sharing this experience with you. Wahe Guru! :)