We ourselves have a full house: children & grandchildren, in-laws, friends and yoga students.
On Friday & Saturday Gurukar Singh from Bolinas – for maybe the 25 th year in a row – drives to our house, puts his mat & sleeping pad behind the couch, and goes to work. A farmer friend, Kulwant Singh Johl and his brother, for as many years have faithfully offered their truck to us; they keep the structure for the float on the farm during the year. It takes 2 days to pull it out, bring it to town and start putting it together again.
On Saturday night – the busiest night of the year with famous ragis lining up to get a turn, Prabhu Nam Kaur and her jatha are given space on the podium to play. Quite a challenge when you only have 7.5 minutes ….. but how she shifted the energy …
As predicted, rain showers arrive. Umbrellas came out; it doesn’t dampen things.
Security was tight on account of the current unrest in the Punjab. Some floats felt overly loud…. but ours sounds like heaven on earth, at least to me; it was so serene. The art came from Awtar Kaur and the additional decorations from Akasha Kaur. Music performed by Prabhu Nam Kaur, Sat Kirtan Kaur and others.
As always, our presence is felt. Our young ones must feel like movie stars, everyone wants their picture.
Tired and wet we make it to our cars and then home where warm tea and treats await.
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