Sikh Dharma 201

Delving into the deeper meaning and experience of Sikh teachings and practices

This self-study course is a follow up to the Sikh Dharma 101 course.   When you sign up for this course, you will receive an email each week with a new lesson until the course is complete.

This course provides a more in-depth look at foundational Sikh practices and beliefs – centering on a journey through bana, bani, seva and simran, among other areas. It offers an extensive dive into Sikh teachings, history and philosophy. It is designed for those looking to explore the Sikh lifestyle and experience in greater depth – yoga students, Sikh sangat, Sikh youth as they grow up, and others looking for a more thorough exploration of core aspects of the Sikh Dharma path. This course examines the Sikh Dharma path through an experiential lens, attempting to explain the deeper meaning and significance behind Sikh practices and teachings. Sikh Dharma 201 is a great follow-up offering for those who have already taken the “Sikh Dharma 101.” course.



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  1. Sukhvinder Singh Shergill says:

    Request please,
    Is ir possible to donate cash amounts fir SDI.
    Please advice & Ref contact in Sydney,
    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in generating this opportunity,
    1)Course in depth
    Best of luck to spread guru’s word.
    Sukhvinder S ingh

    • Siri Pritam Kaur says:

      Sat Nam Sukhvinder Singh; thank you for your kind words about our program – we are always working to make the Sikh path more understandable & relevant for those wishing to explore it. If you want to donate toward our cause, we more than welcome it – I will make sure you get a link to do so.

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