Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Your Stories
Hola Mohalla is the Sikh festival which falls in March (2013 is March 28th) and a national holiday in India. Together the words "Hola Mohalla" stand for "mock fight". During this festival, processions are organized and accompanied by large “nagara” drums and headed by Panj Pyaras, which proceed from one Gurdwara to another. The custom…
Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Community, Your Stories
When I first listened to the sound current, the rhythm, the voice and the intonation, immediately I felt a coziness and familiarity. I was especially focused on the recitation of the 28th and 29th Paurees...…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Brotherhood& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations, Your Stories
This is an article from a 1978 issue of Sikh Dharma Brotherhood, written by Shakti Kaur.
As I walked through the street, en route for the first time to the Harimandir Sahib, there grew a welling up inside of me, an inner excitement almost like that of a child on the advent…
Posted by Dharmic Office of Public Affairs& filed under Around the World, Service/Seva, Your Stories
In late January, a devastating mud slide swallowed up the mining town of Brumadinho in Brazil. The mud, sweeping down from a large and unstable mountain of tailings from the Vale mine, destroyed everything in its path. With no warning and no time escape, as many as 500 human lives were buried under…
Posted by Snatam Kaur& filed under Our Authors, Shabad Guru, Your Stories
This morning as I sat meditating the thought came to mind to share with you the power of the Mul Mantra. This mantra was given to us by Guru Nanak, the first Guru of the Sikhs who walked this earth in the fifteenth century. It is a mantra that gives you the compass so that you may…
Posted by Beads of Truth& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations, Ministry, Sikh History, Your Stories
As I stood in line with the ministers of Sikh Dharma, receiving the instructions of Yogiji, as to the nature of our duties, I was pleasantly amused when he told all of us to go touch the feet of the members of the Sangat. But, when I placed my hands upon the feet of the…
Posted by Livtar Singh Khalsa& filed under Sikh History, Your Stories
Livtar Singh Khalsa recounts his experience as one of the two first students of Yogi Bhajan in the West to take Sikh vows:
On Sunday morning of the Baisakhi day Gurdwara in 1970, I met up with Baba Singh on the street in Los Angeles. He was wearing a turban,…
Posted by Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa& filed under Community, Your Stories
I believe that Sikhs are uniquely positioned to play a role in interfaith efforts, because of our rich interfaith history, our strong interfaith ethic and our commitment to manifesting the common good through the concept of Sarbat da Bhala – blessings and prosperity for all.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Events, Service/Seva, Your Stories
This article is by Shiv Antar Kaur Khalsa, who shares her experience of the 2018 Lord of Miracles Tour in South and Central America
When I decided to go on this tour, I had no idea what to expect. Part of me was excited, while the other part nervous. Most of…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Your Stories
by Bachansukh Singh, aka Tod Sherman
I somehow always knew Kundalini Yoga was right and perfect. I had begun Kundalini Yoga in 2007. In 2013, I participated in the online course “Journey into the Heart of Sikh Dharma.” This was a major turning point.
The date was October 25th 2014, when I got the…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Ministry, Your Stories
by SS Sangeet Kaur Khalsa, Phoenix AZ
Originally published in the Winter 2018 SDI Ministry Newsletter
The Guru has made my life richer, deeper and more valuable than anyone could ever have imagined possible. This spring, the Guru carried me through the end of my life-destiny and helped me to restart a new one.
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Ministry, Your Stories
by SS Sat Jagat Singh Khalsa, Brooklyn NY
Originally posted in the Winter 2018 SDI Ministry Newsletter
I have had two unique experiences while serving at the Golden Temple that have helped me to excel with the Guru.
First, I took a rag and started polishing the walls in the stairways inside Harimandir…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Ministry, Your Stories
by SS Sat Purkh Kaur Khalsa, Belton TX
Originally published in the Winter 2018 SDI Ministry Newsletter
Of all the many tools the Siri Singh Sahib delivered to his students, perhaps the most subtle and most powerful was Shabad Guru. As we begin to vibrate these sounds, we refine our own minds, so that we…
Posted by Sikh Dharma Ministry& filed under Ministry, Your Stories
by SS Christ Singh Khalsa
Originally posted as part of the Winter 2018 SDI Ministry Newsletter
When I think of the word obey, I think of duty. Or as our teacher taught us, the concept of “keep up.” Since it seems that I’ve always been a “lighting rod” for helping other people work out…
Posted by Dev Suroop Kaur Khalsa& filed under Shabad Guru, Your Stories
It’s a beautiful, crisp November morning in northern New Mexico. We're gathered under the cottonwood trees waiting to carry the Siri Guru Granth Sahib—our Shabad Guru (sacred scriptures revered as the "living" Guru for Sikhs)—in a procession to our temple. It's Guru Gaddee Day - the day that commemorates the installation of our…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Sikh Art Corner, Your Stories
The song "Winter Solstice Time" was written by Livtar Singh Khalsa
Here are the lyrics:
1. It's mornin light, and out on the lake The mist is dancin around
I'm with my Guru, and all of my friends and God is all around
We come from near and…
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