Sacred Feminine and the Divine Mother

Image by PapaOsmosis from Pixabay.

This information was adapted and extracted from the book “I Am a Woman: Creative, Sacred & Invincible.” 

The archetype of the Divine Mother and the Sacred Feminine is as old as time, deeply imbedded in every cell of a woman’s body. As a woman, she must keep both aspects of her nature – woman and mother – in tune and alert to the world around her.

As an embodiment of the Sacred Feminine, she balances her commanding nature, her sharpness, with compassion, rhythm and grace. As an embodiment of the Divine Mother, she takes tiny seeds or ideas and nurtures them into full-fledged creations – poetry, painting, cooking, children, formulas, theorems, corporations – even nations.

She makes things happen. She uses her intuition and awareness to guide her decisions, and guard and protect herself, her family and her interests, even as she’s able to call upon the Divine Feminine to elevate and transcend those personal interests and cultivate relationships that serve everyone’s highest good.

A woman’s capacity to nurture and her longing to merge with the Beloved are hardwired into her Arcline.

But our culture has taken woman’s essential nature and created a hook: telling women that we need something or someone outside ourselves to complete us – to be whole. So women often mistake our longing for the Beloved for that someone or something in the material world, which leads to attachment, pain and heartache. Instead women must remember that our longing is for the Beloved within us.

The Sacred Feminine embodied within women is the essence of wholeness; and the more women honor our sovereignty – our Adi Shakti – the more women have to offer the world.

There’s a Shabad which tells of a woman who has fallen in love with her husband and children; her attachment has led her away from her true Beloved. She cries out to be saved from her attachments and be brought back to the One.

Most women who’ve looked into the eyes of their love or newborn child can probably relate to this experience. Now imagine looking into your own eyes with this same devotion. Woman’s identity is more than their relationships, their husband, their children, their jobs, their families. All women are the Divine Mother, the Sacred Feminine.

Women can express their longing by merging into Infinite identity as Divinity and embodying the Sacred Feminine and Divine Mother to all.

– I Am a Woman (2009)


Adi Shakti and the Role of Woman

A woman’s role is not to worship God; her role is to be the very self of God. Her oneness can affect and open every heart. What can a teacher teach you? A teacher can teach you: be with God. But how to be with God, this is the job of every household mother, wife, and Shakti, to which the mantras are sung:

Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo.

Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo.

Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo.

Kundalini, Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo.

I bow to the Primal Power.

I bow to the All-Encompassing Power and Energy.

I bow to that through which God creates.

I bow to the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power.

This is in praise of woman. This is what is said and this is what it is. It is that creative force to which “Ek” and “Ong” are attached: Ek Ong Kar. It is that Kar, that kriya, that Karta Purkh. It is very unique if you understand the words karta purkhKarta comes first; feminine comes first. Prakriti comes first. What is the karta of the purkha.

Creativity – that is the one place where Guru Nanak has not only honored the female, honored the Shakti, honored the woman, but also has added before God: Karta purkh, nirbho, nirvair, akal moort, ajooni saibhang, gurprasad. How will you get it? Jap. Aad sach, jugaad sach, hai bhee sach, Nanak hosee bhee sach. 

It is that truth through which woman lives forever. Woman has no other choice. Woman has one choice: that she must bring Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh (My Victory Belongs to God!) on the Earth. She must succeed. She must win. She must excel and she must not only bring God, but give God to others in experience. That is her nobility, that is her divinity and that is her grace.

Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan (July 15, 1985)

I Am a Woman: Creative, Sacred & Invincible

Selected Lectures from the Women’s Teachings 

This book is an introduction to the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan for Women. It focuses on the identity of woman as Infinite, the reality of woman as a healer and a nurturer, and the life of a woman in relationship. The women’s teachings are a vast area, so we have compiled a selection of lectures that touch on the fundamental disciplines and core principles of the graceful woman in the Aquarian Age. Each part consists of a dozen or more edited lectures of Yogi Bhajan as well as stories, comments, and experiences from women who studied directly with Yogi Bhajan throughout the years.

‘I Am a Woman’ is available to purchase through the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) 

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