Taught on June 26, 1998
POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in, chest out, belly in. Physically and mentally straighten your spine, so the channels can be clear.
MUDRA: Bend the elbows down by the sides and cross the forearms over the diaphragm area, parallel to the floor, right on top, left underneath. Grab the right elbow with the left hand and the left elbow with the right hand. Comfortably lock your hands so that you have the elbows in your hands.
EYES: The eyes are closed.
BREATH: Breathe long and deep for 1 to 2 minutes before beginning to chant.
Har Har Har Har Gobinday
Har Har Har Har Mukanday
Har Har Har Har Udaaray
Har Har Har Har Apaaray
Har Har Har Har Hareeang
Har Har Har Har Kareeang
Har Har Har Har Nirnaamay
Har Har Har Har Akaamay
One who sustains us.
One who liberates us.
One who uplifts us.
Infinite One.
One who does everything.
One by whose grace everything is done.
Nameless and desireless.
Encompasses all.
TIME: Chant the mantra out loud from the navel. 1 minute. Whisper powerfully. Use the pranic power. Keep the navel engaged. 3 ½ minutes. Then chant silently. Move the breath with the navel. Keep the navel moving as if you were chanting—but you are silently chanting with the mantra. 8 minutes.
TO END: Inhale deeply, stretch your spine as much as you can, while squeezing the ribcage, the area where your elbows are locked, as well as every part of your body. Hold 15-20 seconds. Cannon Fire exhale through the mouth. Repeat for a total of 3 times. Relax.
Listen to the mantra by Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa
Comments from Siri Singh Sahib Ji
“All this knowledge is ancient and it is forgotten. We who practice Kundalini Yoga have no right to initiate anyone. Because if somebody cannot initiate himself or herself, we should not be so foolish as to initiate that person. Basically, the law is that you have to be you to start with. And then you grow. Because you have three parts: a demon part, a human part and an angelic part. At the very least you should accept yourself—you are human. Don’t talk negative, think negative, let anybody down, or participate in any let down. You should always be aware that any negative word you say negates you a hundred times more than it negates anybody else.
What happens when you speak positively? When you speak positively there is no negative left to express and then there’s a gap. And that gap creates the super-positive. And that, in English, is what we call God. Therefore, cultivate the attitude of gratitude. The attitude of gratitude is when you are grateful for every breath of life.
People ask me, “What should we do when we feel something is wrong?” When there is something wrong, thank God it is not you. When you feel there is something good, thank God that you have learned something. In this way, you can process your life and progress your life.
What will happen? You will get high-spirited. You will rise. And, to fill the vacuum, nature will come with wealth and prosperity. Otherwise your poverty is proportionate to your emotionalism and your bad relationships and bad sex and bad marriage are equal to your commotionalism. These are forces. I am not saying get rid of them, I am saying they will get
rid of you. There is nothing you can do.Some people are the most inhuman idiots. They are so insecure about everything. They have not learned that God—who can rotate this earth for you, creating day and night—can take care of your routine if you allow it to be. But you don’t allow it.
We do not want to know how good we are. We want to know how bad everybody else is, but we can never, ever find our goodness this way. If somebody is bad, let it be. But try not to be bad yourself.
We have a very good mantra that creates prosperity. Mantra is “man” “tra.” It is a mentally projected vibration that entangles with Infinity and creates the effect. It is a sound system that you, I, me, we, they, thou can all create. It has nothing to do with what you feel or what you are. But when all the vibrations of you and your environments have gone negative, that
is the moment to use the mantra. When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, you tap into all the angels of the Universe, including your own great ancestors who have a qualifying life as an angel. It’s quick. It’s fast. It’s purposeful. It brings in what you need.”
This meditation can be found in the book, Success and the Spirit, an Aquarian Path to Abundance. With over 40 prosperity meditations and 15 lectures from the Siri Singh Sahib, Success and the Spirit is the most comprehensive guide created for prosperity and successful, joyous living. Click here to learn more and purchase this one of a kind manual for abundance.
efrain says:
sat nam
Maude Earhart says:
Geez thanks. This is so sweet. Helpful. Letting go of the want of drink Diet Coke this is helpful. Thank you.
Ram Singh GUETABA says:
Wahe Guru !
Quel joli commentaire !
Combien coûte le livre ?
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Ram Singh, you can purchase the book at SDI https://www.sikhdharma.org/product/success-and-spirit/ or Sat Nam Europe: https://www.satnam.de/en/success-and-the-spirit-yogi-bhajan.html
Prem says:
How can I purchase the Success and Spirit manual
Ion Nicolae says:
Very powerful meditation. Each time I do it, I feel blessed with abundance, love and overall a great feeling.
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Wahe Guru. Thank you for sharing your experience, Ion.