Posted by Spirit Voyage& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Uno de los primeros Shabad de los que me enamoré es Narayan Shabad. Escuché a Prabhu Nam Kaur sentada sola en su habitación cantándola para sí misma y mis lágrimas fluyeron. Había algo tan íntimo, tan personal y tan absolutamente dulce en este Shabad que deseaba querer entenderlo más.…
Posted by Spirit Voyage& filed under Dharmic Education
What is celestial communication?
It is a moving meditation, which is part of the technology of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Celestial Communication is composed of choreographed arm and hand movements to mantras or other spiritual songs. It is unique in that there are no exact mantras, mudras or movements to use for…
Posted by Spirit Voyage& filed under Shabad Guru, Sikh Dharma Technology
“Narayan” is one of the many different names for the Divine. It relates to the quality of water. As a plant needs water for its flowers to blossom, in the same way chanting Narayan nurtures the Divine Identity within you so that your soul can bloom into its full beauty and grace. Narayan is the…
Posted by Spirit Voyage& filed under Shabad Guru, Sikh Dharma Technology, Your Stories
This is the power of Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo – humility that drops us out of our ego’s tendency to control, allows us to feel our Infinite Self that goes beyond time and space, to see that all our answers are within – that we can move from the ignorance of darkness to the…
Posted by Spirit Voyage& filed under Videos
As one of the teachers of "The Fundamentals of Kundalini Yoga" course, Krishna shares why she loves Kundalini Yoga and how it helps us to develop our inner strength to keep up during the tests of the times.…
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