Self-Healing and Knowing the Self


Beads of Truth, Summer 1982 #9
by Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji

The process of self-healing is the privilege of every being. Self-healing is not a miracle, nor is self-healing a dramatization of the personality as though you could do something superior. Self-healing is a genuine process of the relationship between the physical and the infinite power of the soul. It is a contract, a union.

When a person prays to the merciful Lord, he is extending himself out­side, but the reaction is happening inside. Every action has a reaction, equal and opposite. You may pretend you are praying to the heaven, but actually you are changing your­self inside. It is you who are chang­ing. When you are blessing the sick, you beg of the Almighty, but actually you are not begging for anything because from inside your being energy is pouring into the other person. It is from a state of compassion, of compassionate meditation, that the healing activity of God, with the being, flows.

My divinity is in my purity. My purity is what I am within myself. Sometime you may tell yourself that you are not pure, but that is not true. You are merely trying to pretend you are not pure. You are pretending to be impure because you don’t like the responsibility. You are holy, but you don’t want to be holy. You don’t want to be known as holy, because then everybody has the right to criti­cize you if you fall short of that image and you don’t want to be criticized. Sneakiness and cowardliness are the unfortunate result. Everybody wants to sneak around and withdraw, but they also want things to happen.

Look at this drama in the individ­ual play. If the stomach did not have the capacity to give you hunger pains, no one would eat. When the juices come, then the urge to eat comes, and at that time you should eat. Instead we see that it is six o’clock, and feel we have to eat. It doesn’t matter if you are hungry or not, you eat, because it is eating time. But in reality, there is no such thing as eating time. Any time can be eat­ing time. When you eat without the urge to eat, sleep without the urge to sleep, and so on, then you begin to do what is wanted by you, rather than what is needed by you. Actual­ly, your itching soul was purified, given a human body, and sent on earth to enjoy, so that God could take a little rest. That is why an indi­vidual has to understand his Self. Understanding the Self means to stand under your own Self. And one who can stand under his Self, can stand under every Self. And then that person is known as a beloved of God, because God is in every Self. This is the basic secret behind every happiness, behind every joy that a person wants to experience.

Once a person called the doctor.  The doctor came and he gave medi­cine. The next day the same request came again and the doctor came and the doctor went. Then the doctor brought two doctors, three doctors, four doctors and finally a surgeon. The doctor tried everything.

Finally one day the doctor told his wife, that this patient appears to be dying. She said, “Yes, my dear husband, I know. The way you treat people, they should all die.” Now, this hurt his ego, and he wanted to understand what she was saying. She said, “Whenever you see some­one, you just give them medicine, but do you ever tell them that they have to help themselves to get cured, as well?” He had never done that. She said, “Well, then you only give them half the medicine. You should tell them, that this medicine will help them to help themselves get cured.” He had studied eight years in the medical college, but nobody had ever taught him that God cures. All you have to do is send a message or somehow establish communication between the mind and body of the sick person. The mind should be in peace, so that the body can do the job. That’s all the cure is. The body cures itself. Medicine allows it to get into that space where healing can take place.

There is no need to blame the doctor for not being able to cure you or for killing you, or to praise him fo­r saving you either. Actually, he has done nothing. He has merely diag­nosed the ailment and given you the medicine so that your own body, your own self, could help itself to become all right.

It is the same with the mind. The mind has to be given the medicine of thought. The higher thought is the medicine of the mind that allows it to help itself cure itself. Otherwise the mind is a sharp red piece of glass. That is why we do “japa.” Japa is the thought, “Sat Nam, Truth is Thy Name,” Japa is calling on energy that is beyond us. The moment we know and experience that there is some­thing beyond us, we’re connecting with God through the power of our thought wave. And, my dear friend, on this earth there is nothing except God. The intellect will generate thought waves anyway. Why not beam these thought waves on God?

The only thing that comes to you without asking for it is the breath of life. Everything else you have to ask for. But the breath of life is an infinite gift from God. You are a slave to everything except the breath of life. The breath of life will free you if you let it carry you to God.

Too much awareness requires too much patience. Normally when you become wiser, you become less patient and you start shouting like an angry, roaring idiot, because then you see every mistake. When you see every mistake, what are you going to do? You are going to shout, because it is difficult to tolerate mis­takes. That is why for the last six years I’ve been saying that patience pays.

Have patience. Not because it matters to me, but it will matter to you. If you have patience, then you will enjoy happiness. And who can have patience? He who can tolerate. Who can tolerate? He who has strong nerves. Who can have strong nerves? He who has the strength of his moral mind. And what is the moral mind? A learned discipline. What is a learned discipline? A self-training. How can the self be trained? Through meditation.

botselfhealingYou must learn to grind your self. Only the one who learns to grind himself knows his ground. Other­wise, a person is just floating. When you do not know your territory, you do not know where you are. When you do not know where you are, you are not aware of what you are and you do not know what awareness is.

There are two ways to know: the inductive method, or the deductive method. Either deduce or induce. Both come to the same thing. You can know mysteries through mystic ways . And you can know mysteries through analytical ways. Either through shakti (power) or through the gyan (divine wisdom). Through power, or through pleasure.

Why are some people black? So that others would know they are white. Why are some people white? So that others would know that they are black. There is no other reason. But now they both fight with each other. This is known as a trick of Maya. The black did not make himself black, nor did the white make himself white. If white is the best color, why are anemics given a hos­pital bed? They are almost white: dead white, they call it. If that is desirable, why must they take iron pills every day?

The reality is that nobody knows, everyone imagines. When imagina­tion becomes the known experience, it is known as duality or maya. When experience becomes knowledge, it become reality, the Truth, the Sat. Those who understand “Sat” are able to relate to “Sat.” When you love somebody, what do you do? Don’t you call his name, or her name all the time? When you love somebody, you like to call the name of that person. If you love the truth, then you will call “Sat Nam.” You become identified. And when you say “Sat Nam,” everybody knows you are a “Sat Namer.” You become identified. And when you say “Sat Nam,” it means you are Truth.

My dear friend, there is a dharma of life. This dharma has to be under­stood as a dharma and then it has to be watched as a dharma. It has to be experienced as a dharma. The life of dharma is the life of the seeker, the Sikh. The seeker must seek. He must suck the infinity as nectar. There are no two ways about it.

If someone says that there are many ways to God, that is a sales talk. If someone says that there are many religions, that is a sales talk too. There is only one religion. Join your religion. Know your religion. Understand your religion. Be your religion.

By belonging to religion and not ex­periencing religion, do you think you are religious? Never. Denying reli­gion or accepting religion mean nothing. It is the experience of reli­gion, my dear friend, that can hold the mind. It is the desire to experi­ence which matters because that desire is the outcome of an energy that matters. Your ego desires you to be finite, to be limited, but you must experience infinity, because you are a part of infinity. Why shouldn’t you experience infinity? Instead you take your ego, and you inflate it like your balloon. The air goes out, and you fall on your face. Then what a silly creature you are. You blame the Creator, and you don’t live in grati­tude, and you call yourself a man. Without knowing the manners of life, you call yourself a man.

The seeker must know the art of finite and infinite, and the science which teaches him the art of finite and infinite is known as the science of yoga. It is a technology that makes a seeker, a Sikh, a man of God. Where the man of God goes, there goes God. To whomever he talks, he brings God. Wherever he sits, there is God. When he gets up there is also God. Around him is God, above him is God, under him is God. God cre­ated man and man created God. The man of God telephones about God. On the telephone, he listens to talk about God. He hangs up the tele­phone if there’s no God. He watches the television to feel God. And if he doesn’t feel God, he shuts it off. He eats and says, “God.” He gets up and says “God.” He takes a shower and says, “God.” When he is in fever, he says, “God.” When he walks he says, “God.” He belongs to God and God belongs to him.

That is actually the way it is. But the middle man who made this simple, safe God so difficult to get to not only makes a normal man believe that he is a sinner, but collects a fee for doing it. The one who lives off the sinner makes the sinner believe he is a sinner. Not only that, but after telling the sinner that he is a sinner, he does not purify him.

Only he can purify you who is himself pure. Only the one who has experienced God, who has seen God, who has a gratitude for God, who feels the goodness of that infin­ity, can be pure, because he will con­stantly call the name of God. Every lover will call the beloved God by name, will become pure and healed and have the power to purify and heal others.

Copyright The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

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