Subagh Kriya
June 21, 1996
Each exercise in this five-part kriya must be done for the same length of time, either
3 minutes each or 11 minutes each.
Part One
POSITION: Sit in Easy Pose with a light Jalandhar Bandh.
MUDRA: Bend the elbows, angling the forearms up and outward with the fingers at the level of the throat. Begin with the palms facing down. Alternately hit the sides of the hands together timed with the mantra below. When the hands hit facing down, the sides of the Jupiter (index) fingers touch and the thumbs cross below the hands, with the right thumb under the left. Yogi Bhajan said that crossing the thumbs in this way is the key to the meditation. When the hands hit facing up, the Mercury (pinkie) fingers and the Moon Mounds (located on the bottom of the palms) hit.
EYE FOCUS: The eyes are 1/10th open. Focus at the tip of the nose.
MANTRA: Chant the mantra HAR with the tip of your tongue as you alternately strike the Jupiter area (palms facing down) and the Moon area (palms facing up). Pull the navel with each HAR. This meditation was taught to the rhythm of Tantric Har by Simran Kaur.
TIME: 3-11 minutes.
COMMENTS: You should not do this exercise more than 3 minutes when you are working during the day, or you will become too rich. I am not joking. Doing it for 11 minutes a day is more than enough. Doing it too much will be greed. It stimulates the mind, the Moon Center and Jupiter. When Jupiter and the moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not make wealth.
NOTE: Part One can be done on its own for prosperity.
Listen to Har Har Har by Simran Kaur Khalsa:
Part Two
POSITION: Stretch your arms out to the sides and raise them up to a V shape at a 60-degree angle. Face the palms forward and spread your fingers wide, making them stiff. On the exhale, cross your arms in front of your face, left arm in front of the right. Inhale and return your arms out to the V shape. Continue crossing the arms, keeping the elbows straight and the fingers open and stiff, alternating the position of the arms as they cross.
EYES: The eyes remain closed.
MANTRA: Move the arms in rhythm with the Tantric Har, but do not chant this time.
Part Three
POSITION: Keep your arms extended at 60 degrees. With your fingers, make a fist around your thumb, squeezing your thumb tightly as if you are trying to squeeze all the blood out of it. Move your arms in small backward circles as you continue squeezing your thumb. Keep the arms stretched with the elbows straight. Move so powerfully that your entire spine shakes.
You may even lift slightly up off the ground.
MANTRA: Chant the mantra GOD powerfully from your navel. One backward circle of the arms equals one repetition of GOD. The speed and rhythm of the chanting are the same as in the previous exercises.
Part Four
POSITION: Bend your arms so that your forearms are parallel to the floor and the palms face the body at the level of the diaphragm. One palm (it does not matter which) is closer to your body. To begin, the right hand moves up a few inches as the left hand moves down. The hands move alternately up and down between the Heart Center and Navel Center in a smooth
motion to the rhythm of the mantra below.
MANTRA: As the hands move, chant HAR HARAY HAREE, WHAA-HAY GUROO in a deep monotone with one repetition of the mantra approximately every 4 seconds. Chant from your navel.
TIME: If you are practicing the exercises for 11 minutes each, chant the mantra out loud for 6 minutes, whisper it strongly for 3 minutes and then whistle it for 2 minutes. If you are practicing the exercises for 3 minutes each, chant the mantra out loud for 1 minute, whisper it strongly for 1 minute, and then whistle it for 1 minute.
Part Five
POSITION: Bend the arms in front of the chest and rest the right forearm on the left forearm, palms facing down. Keep the spine straight and keep the arms steady and parallel to the ground; don’t let them fall.
EYES: The eyes are closed.
BREATH: One-minute breath. Breathe slowly and deeply so that one breath takes a full minute. Breathing consciously, inhale for 20 seconds, hold for 20 seconds and exhale for 20 seconds.
COMMENTS: It’s a complete set. This is all called Subagh Kriya. If God has written with His own hands that you shall live under misfortune, then by doing Subagh Kriya you can turn your misfortune into prosperity, fortune and good luck.
By tendency you are not very agreeable most of the time. You are more concerned with your scare tactics and insecurities than with your power to expand. I’m going to give you a very handy tool—one that you can use anywhere—and you’ll become rich. I’m not going to give you printed money, but I will give you a tool for prosperity. I would like you to be your own judge and see how it works. There are a lot of things you can’t do. You can’t look unique. You can’t look extraordinary. You don’t want to be excellent because you are afraid of the responsibility. But if the psyche is corrected once in a while—for a few minutes here and a few minutes there—you will be surprised how much good you can do for yourself.
To become rich and prosperous with wealth and values, is to have the strength to come through. It means that the transmissions from your brain and the power of your intuition can immediately tell you what to do. You will be in a position to change gears smoothly. If you need to go in reverse, you can go in reverse. If you need to go forward, you’ll go forward. This is a very old and simple system.
Here is the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan teaching this meditation at Summer Solstice on June 21, 1996
This meditation can be found in the book, Success and the Spirit, an Aquarian Path to Abundance. With over 40 prosperity meditations and 15 lectures from the Siri Singh Sahib, Success and the Spirit is the most comprehensive guide created for prosperity and successful, joyous living. Click here to learn more and purchase this one of a kind manual for abundance.
Kirtan says:
Sat Nam! In exercise number two on the video people are chanting Har, but in the instructions said: do not chant this time. Why is that and what is correct?
Victoria says:
Can one do this while pregnant?
Guruamrit Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Victoria, thank you for your question! If you have some experience with practicing Kundalini Yoga, it should be ok to practice this kriya up until the 120th day of pregnancy. After that, it is recommended to limit practice to pregnancy yoga for the duration of the pregnancy. This guide from Kundalini Women offers some useful information for practicing Kundalini Yoga during pregnancy: https://www.kundaliniwomen.org/pregnancy_pages/pregnancy_yoga.html
Ludmila says:
can i practice every exercise 5 min? Or must it be only 3min or 11 ?
Thank you
Guruamrit Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Ludmila, it is recommended to choose either 3 minutes for each part, or 11 minutes for each part of this practice.
Lippy B says:
Can we have any video link where it is full taught how to do it?
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Yes, here is a video where Subagh Kriya was taught: https://youtu.be/IASjjvZCdpo
Yogi Bill says:
Thank you
Lauren Yu says:
Hello, a question about the breathing part- for now I am unable to do the breathing for 20 seconds at a time, is it possible to inhale, hold and exhale for a shorter amount of time? Thank you.
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Yes. Just keep the segments equal. Blessings.
Hoor says:
Can I do part 1 for 11 minutes and the rest of the parts for 3 minutes?
Or if I want to do part 1 for 11 minutes I shouldn’t do the rest? Cause my body is not capable of doing all parts in 11 minutes.
Thank you so so much
Tarja Tuovinen says:
and does it make any difference at what/which time of the day (sorry, my english is not perfect) you practice Subagh kriya; even if you practice it on different hours every day) (not on a regular clock time every day, but anyway every day, and the whole set completely (in the same day)) ?
Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:
With any spiritual practice, it is best to be regular in establishing a daily routine for meditation. But it is not necessarily better to practice this at any particular time of day. Use your intuition to guide you, along with whatever practical situation that may dictate when you have time in your daily schedule.
Tarja Tuovinen says:
I’d like to know if it makes any difference to practice Subagh kriya in an open room or in a vestibule/hallway (which is not so open (there are some big cabinets/cupboards on the way)). This probably sounds ridiculous, but I’m quite superstitious, and want to take away all the hinders/barries off/away (from successing of) the Subagh kriya
Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:
Yes, you can leave your superstitions behind. There is no need to worry too much about every little thing. I makes no difference where you practice any meditation or kriya as long as it is big enough to allow you to move as directed. The transformation takes place within you through your dedication and elevated consciousness,
Nick says:
Can I work my way up to 11 minutes? For example doing each part for 5 minutes until I am able then adding a minute as I progress over time until I reach 11 minutes?
Adi Mahandev Kaur says:
When this kriya is described as a “complete set”, does this mean is not necessary to follow-up with a mediation? Or is this kriya only a meditation and needs a prior kriya? I kindly ask someone to clarify this, please. Thanks!
Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:
Sat Nam – the comment that this is a “complete set” mostly refers to the idea that this is a well-rounded meditation and that it can stand by itself. It is your choice as to whether or not you want to precede it with a different physical kriya.
Cristina says:
What is the best direction to face when doing Subagh Kriya? Is it the East or Northeast? thank you.
Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:
The best direction to face is toward your inner self. Otherwise, no other direction is important.
Diana Espitia says:
Hi! This is a beautiful set. May I ask you, can I make the first step in the mourning for three minutes and the whole set in the evening? What do you think about it? Or it would be better to just do one of these Options? Thanks!
Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:
Hi Diana – this is a complete experience in the way it is presented with all of the parts being done within the same session. So, you do not want to take the first part (or any part) and do it in a different session, at a different time.
Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:
Sat Nam, Kelda – Many people can not whistle. In this kriya you can simply hum the melody of the mantra instead of whistling. Blessings
Kelda I Fowler says:
I can’t whistle. One part states to whistle. Is chanting it ok instead?
Dorcas Pereira says:
Thank you
Surya Kaur says:
Sat Nam. I would like to know why Subagh Kriya is thus named so. Subagh means 22, right? And what 22 means in numerology?
Gaurav says:
Subagh is Punjabi for Saubhagya or Good Fortune in Sanskrit/Hindi.
Soumistha Banerjee says:
Due to an accident, I can not fold my legs as shown in the drawing, in this situation can I do these Kriyas sitting on a chair?
Carla says:
Yes!!!!! absolutely!
Frank says:
Can I practice this kriyah in the evening only?
Guruamrit Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Frank, yes, practicing this kriya in the evening will be fine!