40 Days of Poetry: Day 25


Purest Steel 

(Chittaa Lohaa) 


I am White Hot Steel.

My touch burns deep!

No one can bear it.

My heart throbs . . . anguished!

I take no notice of it.

There is nothing to say.

High thoughts . . .



In Ecstacy . . .


This Vibrating Joy

Through the many tests of life

Never lets me fall.

The destination is far . . .

Many nights spent traveling . . .

Licked by the Flame of God’s Light,

I have become that Radiance

And that Absolute Strength.

Many lonely nights, I remain in my High Thoughts . . .

Swallowing my loneliness . . .

No one sees through me.

Inventing slander and telling lies.

They are trying to stop me.

But from the moment it started

I have been an Arrow of White Hot Steel!

No one else could have endured it.

In Union with God,

Watching the riot of countless colors,

Today I found my Beloved.

The dreams of night

Offer refuge from the sweat of the day.


Though my body feels crooked with age,

Still, I answer the Call.

My fire burns forever

Death cannot touch it.


Radiant Self,

Sheet of Pure White Flame!

Ever remains . . .




My heart beats in Union with God.


Oh sleeping Soul

Swallowed in darkness.




The centuries fall away.

The Karma dissolves.

The bonds are broken.

Today . . .

Be filled with the Light of God.

Slander is meaningless.

God ever remembers his son of White Hot Steel.

As the Universe is vast

So deep is my mark.

It remains forever.

Etched in the Stars

Endless Unspeakable Melody.

These are Thy Pure white signs in Heaven.

White Hawk of Guru Gobind Singh

Infinite Naad of Guru Arjan.

These are Thy pure white signs in Heaven.

Enchanting symbols of Humanity’s Freedom.

Bondage is ended.

The dead awaken.

Young warriors rise and stretch their limbs.

The Khalsa Nation returns

To carry the Spirit

Beyond all burdens.

They bear the indelible mark

Of White Hot Steel.


In the sky . . .

A White Hawk is flying

Humanity’s call

To Freedom!



In the book Furmaan Khalsa: Poems to Live Byby Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji:

Siri Singh Sahib ~ Yogi Bhajan: The saint, the teacher, the humanitarian, the leader. Within these pages lies a manual of conscious living written in the form of 108 luminous and inspiring poems. Based on the science of human consciousness called Raj Yog and written as a guide for future generations, these poems answer questions on how to live successfully with an open heart and mind amidst the challenges of the modern world.

Visit our Marketplace if you are interested in purchasing this book.

Click here to read more poems from the Furmaan Khalsa

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