Aap Sahaaee Hoaa

With gratitude for this artwork by Kanwar Singh (artofpunjab.com)

A Shabad to Block Animosity and Bring Protection and Prosperity

Written by Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs, this powerful shabad can help overcome any obstacle.

This mantra meditation from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is a gift to you that will let you penetrate the unknown without fear. It will give you protection and mental balance. It is very simple and rhythmic. If you do it nobly it will be extremely helpful. Whenever you are effective and create a success in your life, you must also generate some opposition and animosity. That is called the Law of Polarity. It is called facing a square in your life. This meditation will totally eliminate enemies and block the impact of animosity forever. It can give you mental self-control and let you command your five tattvas for effective living.” ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji

The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan also said that if chanted for 62 minutes, the best time being between 3-4 am, Aap Sahaaee Hoaa can relieve unbearable financial pressure. Many have chanted this mantra to help resolve tricky legal matters with the highest good and outcome for all.

Chant the entire shabad 11 times a day to bring the blessings of protection, focus and abundance into your life.


Sorath Mahalaa Panjavaa ||

Aaithai oothai rakhavaalaa ||

Prabh satigur deen dyaalaa ||

Daas apanay aap raakhay ||

Ghatt ghatt shabad subhaakhay ||1||

Gur kay charan oopar bal jaaee ||

Dinas rayn saas saas samaalee pooran sabhanee thaaee || rahaa ||

Aap sahaaee hoaa ||

Sachay daa sachaa dhoaa ||

Tayree bhagat vaddiaaee ||

Paaee Naanak prabh saranaaee ||2||14||78||


Raag Sorath – Guru Arjan Dev Ji – Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Page 628

Sorath, Fifth Mehla:

Here and hereafter, the Divine is our Savior ||

God, the True Guru, is merciful to the meek ||

The Divine protects all ||

In each and every heart, the beautiful word of the Shabad resounds ||1||

I am a sacrifice to the Guru’s feet ||

Day and night, with each and every breath, I remember my Guru who is totally pervading and permeating all places ||Pause||

The Lord has become our protector ||

The Truest of the True has taken care of us ||

Glorious and great is devotional worship to you ||

Nanak has found God’s Sanctuary. ||2||14||78||

Click here to download the printable Aap Sahaaee Hoaa Shabad Sheet

Request a Meditation Card

If you would like to receive one of these meditation cards, email your mailing address to marketplace@sikhdharma.org with “Altar Card Please” in the subject line.  Specify in the email that you would like to receive the “Guru Arjan Dev Ji” altar card.

*We would like to offer special appreciation for the artwork of Guru Arjan used for this altar card by Kanwar Singh from artofpunjab.com

Listen to Musical Versions of this Shabad

Listen to musical versions of the entire Aap Sahaaee Hoa Shabad by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa and 11 repetitions by Kirtan Singh and Shakti Parwha Kaur:


Alternatively, you can chant the shorter mantra:

Aap Sahaaee Hoaa Sachay Daa Sachaa Dhoaa Har Har Har

Listen to musical versions of this chant by Guru Dass Singh and Guru Dass Kaur and Snatam Kaur:


Aap Sahaaee Hoaa – A Personal Story

Guru Singh, one of the Siri Singh Sahib’s first students, shares the following story:

Thirty eight years ago I was running a booming business as well as teaching.  Like today, the economy suddenly tanked and we were way over-leveraged to survive a deep slow down.  I sat with Yogi Bhajan at the Los Angeles airport and explained this dilemma.  He gave a mantra to me – which was the first time anyone had heard this mantra in our spiritual family – Aap Sahai Hooaa Suchay Daa Sachaa Dooaa – Har Har Har.  He said to have it playing in the office 24-7.  In 1980 the only way to accomplish this was to use a 60 second cassette loop (made for answering machines).  We recorded 60 seconds of this mantra repeating and we played that cassette until the media fell off the tape nine months later.  During that nine months we came up with revolutionary ways to not only survive but to thrive. This mantra overcomes all challenges.





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  1. Sat nam.During my transformation before and after teacher training. I experienced heavy trails against outside forces and inner conflictions.I have a past that is riddled with addiction and attempts and failures to change.I lived alone and would have times of deep depression and frustration.Exhausted and overworked.However I loved kundalini yoga it was and is my love my passion.My teacher trainer sang this mantra to me on my voicemail for the animosity within and in my enviroment.She was beyond your average trainer and offered me support that Im certian no other could afford so selflessly.Being the fact she comes from infinty and not finite being when she teachs and supports other teachers.I believe she would do this for anyone if they so geniune and true wanted to aspire and grow to serve from the overflow never depleting of the shabad guru,the chain of golden teachers comes through….Thank you Jaap Kaur Khalsa love Mahan Lakshmi kaur. You are truly one in a zillion.Sat nam.

  2. Very impressive SDI, I really appreciate the attention that is put into the website, especially how music is linked to the shabad pages! Excellence in action.

  3. Sat Nam, Gozde – your question is a common one. There is no danger here at all. But it is always best to tune-in with the Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo) before practicing any kriya or meditation. The ending is completely optional but it is always nice to end with something like chanting Sat Nam three times. Blessings.

  4. Sat Nam, do I need to start this meditation with “Ong namo guru dev namo” and end with “Sat Nam”? Is it dangerous if I don’t do it properly?

    • Satnam, When meditating on a Shabad, it is appropriate to tune in with an opening prayer. Simply chanting and deeply meditating on for example: “Satnaam 3 times, or Aad Gureh Naa-meh, Jugaad Gureh Naameh, Sat Gureh Naameh, Siri Guru Dev e Naameh, is appropriate as well. The Ong Namo……tune in that we use for Kundalini Yoga is not required when meditating on a Shabad as it is Gurbani Kirtan and NOT kundalini Yoga. Glad you asked.

  5. María leon says:

    Me encanta este sitio los mantra y todo quiero poder descargar el mantra de ser posible y seguir conectada con usted

  6. Katya Evans says:

    I would like to learn the entire shabbad that is recommended to chant in its entirety 11x.
    Also, the aap sahaaee hoaa chant has what I believe to be both opening and closing prayer/chant…
    I haven’t found the lyrics or translation yet.
    Would someone be available to share these?
    I gratitude,

    • Pritpal Singh Khalsa says:

      Katya – It is not clear to which recording you make reference. The full shabad with English transliteration and translation is available for download above in this post. In regard to any introductory words used as an invocation at the beginning of this chant, there can be almost any appropriate sacred verse or nothing. In the recording by Snatam Kaur she begins by chanting “Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Arjan Dev Maharaj”. These words are not formally an excerpt from sacred text but, rather are simply words of appreciation for the author of the Aap Sahaee shabad, Guru Arjan; saying “Great reverence, Great reverence to Guru Arjan Dev Maharaj”. The last two words are honorifics to bring special recognition of being a Divine King. If you are asking about the introductory words at the beginning of the recording by Satkirin Kaur, they appear to be an English translation of a selection of sacred text but you may have to contact her to get further information about it. I hope this has answered your questions. May this shabad bless you.

      • Blessings!
        I truly appreciate your takin the time to reply/sharing of knowledge/wisdom!yea, ideas referring to the snatam kaur prayersong.i very much enjoy singin/hearin this healing song/mantra. So thankful for the blessings;)music is healin for my soul!

  7. Sat Nam, could Imkindly have the link for the entire App Sahaae Hoa sand by Guru Dass Singh and Guru Dass Kaur?
    Maybe the cd? Or even mp3?
    Thank you,

  8. Sat Nam, I wanna download the entire Aap Sahaaee Hoa Shabad that mp3 length of 4:32 one, do you provide the link or pages for us?

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