Patience Pays ~ The Path to Prosperity
“Patience pays. Wait. Let the hand of God work for you. The One who has created you, let Him create all the environments, circumstances, and facilities and faculties.
Too kaahay doleh paraanee-aa tudh raakhaigaa sirjanhaar.
Jin paidaa-is too kee-aa so-ee day-ay aadhaar.
Oh individual, why you are in a very doubtful state? The One who has made you will take care of you. The One who has created this Universe, all the planets, planetary faculties and facilities on Earth, He is the One who has created you. Wait. Have patience. Lean on him. And all best things will come to you.
Dwell in God. Dwell in God. Dwell in God. Befriend your soul. Dwell in God and befriend your soul. Dwell in God and befriend your soul. Dwell in God and befriend your soul. All the faculties and facilities of the Creation, which are in your best interest shall be at your feet. You need million things. Million things will reach you if you are stable, established, firm, patient. Remember, Creator watches over you and Creation is ready to serve you, if you just be you.
So please take away the ghost of your life and stop chasing round. Consolidate. Concentrate. Be you. And may all the peace and peaceful environments, prosperity approach you forever. Sat Nam”. © The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Listen to the Siri Singh Sahib’s guided meditation of this affirmation for prosperity.
Ginny says:
I very much enjoy Siri Singh Sahib’s guided meditation of the affirmation for prosperity. Thank you for making it available.
siri nirankar singh says:
I am trying to find a audio of Yogi Bhajan repeating
Silvia says:
Do yuo have the audio track “The breath of Life” (one of the 4 affirmation of Yogi Bhajan)
Thanks very much for your help
Guru Prakash Kaur Khalsa says:
Hi Silvia,
You can purchase “The Breath of Life” along with 3 other affirmations from Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan on the album, “Destiny”. It is available from Spirit Voyage here:
Dass Tara says:
It’s not on there? I’m having a difficult time finding it.
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Sat Nam Dass Tara, what are you having difficulty finding?
Lori says:
I LOVE this !!!!!!
Thanks so much !!!!!
Absolutely beautiful !!!!!!
Margaret O'Keefe says:
I have been playing this everyday since it came to me. It is a true meta meditation to the self. Passing it along to many others in my life. May it be a gift to them as it is to me.
OngKar Kaur Khalsa says:
Glad to hear. Wahe Guru!
Dena Leigh Carter says:
A very beautiful recording, a very beautiful reminder and truth. Thank you very much, Blessings, Sat Nam