About: Sadhana

Amrit Vela/ First Sadhana

by S.S Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, courtesy of MorningSadhana.org GURDWARA Sat Nam, Bowing to my Guru first thing after awakening and bathing My only prayer is gratitude Thank you I am here and you, my Guru are here Thank you for the safety of my journey Thank you
siri guru granth sahib


Poem from the book, Furmaan Khalsa, written by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan Sadhana In Sadhana the Sadhu lives. In Sadhana the nectar of God's Love rains down. In Sadhana come the blessings of Simran, Awareness, and Divine Understanding. In Sadhana is the meditation of Raj Yoga. In Sadhana see God's glory. In Sadhana experience


Excerpt of a lecture by Siri Singh Sahib Ji This video is an excerpt from the DVD "Discover Your Soul". The DVD is a full lecture and meditation class taught by Yogi Bhajan, so this video is just a part of it. In this video he talks about the concept of Sadhana and why


Excerpt from Siri Singh Sahib's New Year's Eve Gurdwara Talk 12/31/1987 at the Bonaventure Resort, Ft. Lauderdale Florida Tere mere bole na tooday ke ardas.  Guru guru wahe guru Guru  Ram  Das.  Aad Guray namey, Jagaad Guray namey, Sat Guray namey, Siri  Guru devay  namey.  Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh!

People of Love

“We are the people, the people of love. Let us people love today.” The Siri Singh Sahib taught us that love is infinite. It is an experience of selflessness within one’s self. When one experiences spiritual love, then the physical body does not crave anything. There is only the longing for union with God. Guru