Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Legacy Organizations, Meditation
Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung is the mantra for the sacred healing meditation first taught in the Summer of 1973. This healing meditation is used to pray for healing energy for our friends, family, and ourselves.
Kundalini Yoga practitioners have been using this meditation for the last four and a half decades.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
El mantra Isht Sodhana es perfecto para la energía de la Tierra. Conecta la Tierra y la vastedad del éter y la proyecta desde el corazón. Se hace con una visualización. Te hace presente, llama a tu espíritu más elevado, te mantiene humilde y efectivo en tus nuevas iniciativas y atrae oportunidades de prosperidad.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Meditation
The Isht Sodhana Mantra is a perfect mantra for the Earth energy. It connects the Earth and the vastness of the ether and projects it from the heart. It is done with visualization. It makes you present, calls on your highest spirit, keeps you humble and effective on your new ventures, and attracts opportunities for…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Meditation, Shabad Guru
Yogi Bhajan gave us a very special technology relating to habits. Every single kriya or meditation in Kundalini Yoga changes us in very specific ways. If you practice a kriya a few times, you receive a wonderful benefit. But if you want to permanently change your habits, and realize the full effects of the kriya,…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
COMENTARIOS: Esta meditación para la claridad mental tiene la capacidad de convertir tu mente clara como el cristal. Puede eliminar la impureza mental totalmente, pero debe hacerse correctamente. En los tiempos venideros, mucha gente se convertirán en ruinas nerviosas. Ni siquiera estarán en posición de recibir instrucciones en la meditación.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under International Articles, Spanish Articles
Esta kriya renueva el sistema nervioso y puede sanar el dolor y la ciática. Es tan poderosa, que puede sostener la mano de Dios, tan poderosa, que puede sostener la mano de la muerte.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Meditation
This kriya renews the nervous system and can heal nerve pain and sciatica. It is so powerful it can hold the Hand of God; so powerful, it can hold the hand of death.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Meditation
Once you do it sincerely, your channels will be open and you can do it for anyone you can imagine. Those who send out good vibrations will receive ten times the amount from the Universe. You gain when you give.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Meditation
The Neutral Mind lives for the touch of vastness. It lets all other thoughts be without disturbance to your constant inner light. The Neutral Mind opens the gate to that deep remembrance of the self and soul.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Around the World, Community, Legacy Organizations, Service/Seva, Videos, Your Stories
Tej Inder Kaur is one of the only teachers in a small beach village of Costa Rica, where she hosts women's circles and workshops regularly to support the community. She also actively works as a doula bringing the teachings of Kundalini Yoga to pregnant and postpartum mothers.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Community, Legacy Organizations, Service/Seva, Videos, Your Stories
Kenneth Strickland is a board member for Yoga 4 Youth NC. Kenneth has been educating youth in the power of Kundalini Yoga, the breath, and love since 2013. He believes in the inherent wisdom of children and works to create spaces where children can become aware of this wisdom. …
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Meditation
Cold Depression is our single biggest challenge as we enter the Aquarian Age. It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to behave in ways we would not otherwise. The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, cautioned us that as we transition into the Aquarian Age, that is, through 2038, humanity would…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Community
Planet Earth is experiencing profound evolutionary changes, as we can see with the unpredictable weather patterns, earthquakes and ice melting. Also through the solar flare activity, the Earth's electromagnetic field is rotating at a higher rate. The electromagnetic field of the Earth runs all of life including our human lives and we are undeniably linked,…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Community
Sweet fruits, cooked vegetables, cooked grains, nuts, natural sweeteners, mild warming spices, and warm milk products in moderation, make up the pillars of the yogic diet to develop a strong Earth tattva. …
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Around the World, Community, Legacy Organizations, Service/Seva, Videos, Your Stories
A Kundalini pioneer, Jagdeesh Kaur writes about Kundalini Yoga in Croatian and helps serve as a translator to other Kundalini Yoga students, bridging the gap between English and Croatian, and helping many who otherwise would not have access to the teachings.…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Around the World, Community, Legacy Organizations, Service/Seva, Videos, Your Stories
Dalia Adel Ibrahim (Amrita Nishan Kaur) hosts free and donation based community Kundalini Yoga classes in Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt. She is passionate about sharing that you can be a Kundalini yogi and a Muslim and tirelessly supports the studio which brings teacher training to Egypt. She is currently working on a translation of the teacher…
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