Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Shabad Guru, Sikh Dharma Technology, Videos-Siri Singh Sahib
Siri Singh Sahib Ji
"Light of the Shabad Guru Series"
February 09, 1992
Guadalajara, Mexico
In the lecture entitled, "Identify Yourself," the Siri Singh Sahib discusses the deeper meaning of "Sat Nam," "Wahe Guru" and "Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa. Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh."
Sat Nam is a mantra that refers to God…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib
Excerpt from Siri Singh Sahib's New Year's Eve Gurdwara Talk at Bonaventure Resort, Ft. Lauderdale Florida on 12/31/1987
"...The essence of you in existence is God given fact. That's why Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam. Your identity is true.
Karta Purkh. Who is the holder of the Prakritee... Doing everything?
Nirbau and Nirvair. Fearless and…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Our Authors
Guru Nanak gave us a very easy way to understand that every being is part of the Divine creation. The Creator is within you and everyone. Chanting Sat Naam, with every breath we draw can help us realize that ‘ONE’ within, that ‘True-Name’ of the infinite spirit, ‘Sat-Naam’.…
Posted by Shabd Singh Khalsa& filed under The Guru, Your Stories
I am a Sikh who bows to the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as my spiritual teacher. I regularly read Guru's bani and I regularly sit with sangat. I work to change my habits in life to the healthy, wise, and kind principles shared in the Guru's word. One of the ways that I help calm…
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