Category: Prayer

The Power of Prayer

What is Ardas? Is it a request? In a request you are powerless. You are subject to the one who has the thing you are asking for. So if Ardas is a request where is the power? Should I make a request hoping it might be granted? Or should I go before my Guru, make

The Guilty Prayer

Are prayers interfering with Divine will? Make prayers that are true to yourself. If what you really want is money, but you are praying to be spiritual, then you have a lack of focus. Guru tells us to just pray for the gift of the Naam. But Guru also tells us we can ask for

Peace Prayers

May peace be your virtue, may peace be your property, may peace be your prayer. May you bring peace to all those you meet, you talk to, you live with. May you even bring peace to the person you hate, your enemy. May your friend enjoy your peaceful disposition and may your enemies enjoy your
Peace on Earth

Simple Man’s Prayer

"I'm just telling you the original comfortable way of prayer. Mohammedans still do it. This prayer exists in their practice; at first everything is an imagination, like a blueprint, then you start feeling the experience and it becomes the reality. That's the difference between imagination and reality. Just be simple. It should not be difficult
Simple Man's Prayer