Category: Publications

Activate the Power of Communication ~ A Meditation for Prosperity

Activate the Power of Communication August 22, 1986 “Learn to be alert. Answer with the power of the soul. Relate with an affirmation. Every word you say should be an affirmation.” —Yogi Bhajan POSITION: Sit in Easy Pose. MUDRA: Touch the thumb and Mercury (pinkie) finger of one hand to the thumb and Mercury finger

Prosperity Meditation for Self-Containment and Expansion

Self-Containment and Expansion August 2, 2001 POSTURE: Sit straight in Easy Pose. MUDRA: Hold your hands in Sarab Gyan Mudra in front of the Heart Center. Begin by interlacing the fingers, then extend the index fingers up, pressing the palms and index fingers very tightly together, thumbs crossed. The elbows are relaxed. EYE FOCUS:

Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance

Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga and Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma, shared many sacred secrets in his teachings about success, spirituality and prosperity. Here, in Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance, we have compiled a collection of his lectures on how prosperity is a natural expression of the human spirit;

Guru Gobind Singh’s Birth

An address in honor of the birthday of the 10th Guru by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji   Originally published in Beads of Truth. Spring 1975. The dream which Guru Gobind Singh had, to establish a brotherhood has many dimensions.  My personal feeling is that God had to prepare for

Honoring the Mother and the Grace of Women

Mother's Day - May 9, 1971 Originally published in Beads of Truth, Summer Solstice Issue 1971 by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji A thought was ringing in my ears. After all, we do celebrate Mother’s Day. Therefore, I am not doing anything new in this country. I am

The Power of Serving Others

By MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa (excerpts from an article originally published in Aquarian Times Magazine) In 2002 Yogi Bhajan was teaching evening classes for the Española community at least once a week and we all flocked to those classes with great joy and appreciation, especially since Yogiji was already in