Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Dharmic Education, Ministry, Publications
Excerpt from Chapter 1, Section A, "The Sikh Ministry", pages 2-4, of the book, Victory and Virtue
Sikh Dharma is conventionally described as a religion. More accurately, however, it is a way of life "Dharma" a practical, practicing reality. It sprouted from the seeds of the Word, spread by Guru Nanak upon…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Publications, Sikh Art Corner
From The Game of Love: A Book of Consciousness. The Poems and Art of Yogi Bhajan By Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji Wisdom has no criteria. Stupidity has no age. Woman has one defense, Which is a crossbow between her humility and her grace. Beyond…
Posted by Dev Suroop Kaur Khalsa& filed under Legacy Organizations, Publications, Sikh Dharma Technology
Jap means to repeat, and Ji means soul. The repetition of Japji gives you a consistent projection and allows you to access your own infinite source of inspiration and depth.
Japji is one of the five daily prayers of the Sikhs. It was written by Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru who, with his companion,…
Posted by Kundalini Research Institute& filed under Legacy Organizations, Meditation, Music, Publications, Woman
Kundalini Bhakti Meditation:
Adi Shakti Namo Namo
This devotional mantra (a Bhakti mantra), invokes the primary Creative Power which is manifest as the feminine. It calls upon the Mother Power. It will help you to be free of the insecurities which block freedom of action. By meditating on it one can obtain a deeper understanding…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Legacy Organizations, Publications, Woman
Excerpt of lecture by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, found on the Library of Teachings and in the book "I am Woman: Creative, Sacred and Invincible" by KRI
Creative Infinity is also called Siri: Siri Guru Dev-ay Nameh. We have to learn, as human beings, that creativity is a woman; prakirti is woman; Adi…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Meditation, Publications
This meditation can deliver containment and contentment. It creates a direct connection to the radiant body and gives us control of the mind. Control of our mind gives us the opportunity to allow contentment as a choice—a state of being to be assimilated into our daily awareness and psyche.
Part One
Posture: Sit straight…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Publications, Sikh Art Corner
Poem written by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan and shared in the book Furmaan Khalsa
Meditate on God right Now!
And even if you've wasted your past in pursuit of Maya
You can know the Future.
Settling the breath at the third eye point,
Energy flows through the Ida and…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Publications, Sikh Art Corner
GOD'S RADIANCE (Brahm Prakaash)
Poem written by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan and shared in the book Furmaan Khalsa
After circling the Parkarma,
Bow your forehead with love,
At the Door of Harimandir.
The Karmas of 8.4 million lives fall away,
And the accounts are all erased.
Wisdom, meditation and God's Radiance
Are deeply…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Publications, Sikh Art Corner
THE GLORY OF HAIR (Kesh Mehimaa)
Poem written by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan and shared in the book Furmaan Khalsa
God has blessed men and women with Long Hair.
It is the Crowning Glory of our Divine Form.
Through the hair, the light of the sun and the moon energize us.
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Publications, Sikh Dharma Technology, Sikh History
Source: Heroes, Saints & Yogis by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa and Guruka Singh Khalsa
In 1975, Livtar Singh Khalsa (Atlanta, Georgia) composed this song recounting some of the major events in Sikh history. The Siri Singh Sahib directed that “The Song of the Khalsa” be sung in every Gurdwara immediately before the Anand Sahib. He…
Posted by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa& filed under Publications, Sikh Dharma Technology
We know that we have a physical body. We can see it, touch it, feel it, and so can other people. But most of us are not aware that we have other bodies, which are equally real, if not more so. The funny thing is that we identify so strongly with our physical bodies, that…
Posted by Guruka Singh Khalsa& filed under Bani, Publications, Sikh Art Corner, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
Poem from the book, Furmaan Khalsa, written by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan
DAILY BANIS (Nitnem Namaa)
The Yogi speaks effortlessly. ..
From the Love and Light of his Heart,
And from the depth of his meditative Wisdom.
Oh, Sikhs of the Guru! Oh, Khalsa! Listen to my Prayer!
The Nitnem is the…
Posted by Guruka Singh Khalsa& filed under Publications, Sikh Art Corner, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
Poem from the book, Furmaan Khalsa, written by Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan
In Sadhana the Sadhu lives.
In Sadhana the nectar of God's Love rains down.
In Sadhana come the blessings of Simran, Awareness,
and Divine Understanding.
In Sadhana is the meditation of Raj Yoga.
In Sadhana see God's glory.
In Sadhana experience…
Posted by Guruka Singh Khalsa& filed under Publications, Sikh Art Corner, Siri Singh Sahib Ji
In 1982,Yogi Bhajan asked me to gather together all the poems he had written in Gurmukhi and translate them into English. The result was a book titled "Furmaan Khalsa" (the command of the Khalsa). Within these pages lies one of the most extraordinary works of the twentieth century; a manual of conscious living written in…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Publications
25th Pauri of Japji Sahib ~ Bahuta Karam with Mudra
April 23, 1997
“This shabad will change poverty to prosperity.” — Yogi Bhajan
Part One
POSITION: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.
MUDRA: Bring both hands into Gyan Mudra (touch the tip of the index finger with the tip of the…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Meditation, Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Publications
POSTURE: Sit straight in Easy Pose.
MUDRA: Make a tight fist of the left hand and rest the wrist of the right hand on top of it, facing forward, with the fingers and thumb tightly arched like an open-mouthed snake ready to strike. Place
this mudra in front of the Heart…
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