Category: Sikh History

Guru Nanak and Prayer

Guru Nanak was a grown up man now, and he had begun to travel and teach. He walked everywhere on foot with his friends and wherever they went, they sang. His friends were Mardana, who was a Muslim, and Bala, who was a Hindu. Those were the two main religions in India during that time.

Master and Disciple

Renowned Canadian artist - Kanwar Singh, the painter/chronicler of Sikh History, painted this image, "Guru Gobind Singh: Master and Disciple."  It depicts a scene from the seminal event in Sikh history: the First Vaisakhi of 1699 and the Creation of The Khalsa. In the scene thus captured, we witness as follows: Having just
Guru Gobind Singh receiving amrit - art of punjab

History and Composition of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib

Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Victory and Virtue Through his Hymns and Prayers, Guru Nanak inspired and uplifted humankind to live a life of truth, righteousness and spirituality. These enlightening words were sung by his companions, Bala and Mardana, and by the Sangats which grew up around Guru Nanak. In his later

Guru Har Rai y Gurbani (Italian Translation)

Un giorno qualcuno pose a Guru Har Rai (7° Guru nella cultura e tradizione Sikh) una domanda: “Guru Ji, noi recitiamo così tanto il Gurbani (lett. “la parola del Guru” o “gli insegnamenti del Guru”). Talvolta non comprendiamo ciò che cantiamo. C’è una qualche utilità nel recitare queste parole sacre quando non ne capiamo il
Guru Har Rai pot

The Sword of Raj Khalsa

Jot Singh Khalsa, Master Sword Maker and Jewelry Maker, shares his experience of the Raj Khalsa Yatra. It was my good fortune to have been requested to make a special sword, that was presented in Patna India honoring the 350th birth anniversary of one of humanity's most revered and respected humanitarians, the
rky-sword presentation

The Life and Times of Guru Har Rai

This post is about Guru Har Rai and his unique leadership of the Sikhs during the turbulence of the 17th century in India. The time of Guru Har Rai’s Guruship was marked not only by serious infighting between the various contenders to the Mughal throne, but also by the Minas or the descendants of
guru har rai-510

The Origins of Song of the Khalsa: A Recollection from the Artist

Source: Heroes, Saints & Yogis by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa and Guruka Singh Khalsa In 1975, Livtar Singh Khalsa (Atlanta, Georgia) composed this song recounting some of the major events in Sikh history. The Siri Singh Sahib directed that “The Song of the Khalsa” be sung in every Gurdwara immediately before the Anand Sahib. He