About: Shabad Guru

Protected: An Introduction to Japji Sahib

Japji Sahib is timeless and universal. Recited daily (Jap), it becomes a companion, slowly revealing insights of your inner journey of self-realization and bringing light and strength to your divine self, your “ji.” The recitation of Japji acts as a medicinal salve or remedy to heal the injuries and the challenges encountered during your life.
Yogi Bhajan SSS Japji

Protected: Life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Nanak was born into a middle-class Hindu family in 1469 in a small village near Lahore, Pakistan. As a boy, he rejected commonly held spiritual conventions and spent as much time as he could in the company of traveling sadhus, mystics, and spiritual teachers. Although well versed in Sanskrit, Persian, and the sacred texts of
Guru Nanak Sewa Singh

Shabad Guru – Sound that Transforms

It’s a beautiful, crisp November morning in northern New Mexico. We're gathered under the cottonwood trees waiting to carry the Siri Guru Granth Sahib—our Shabad Guru (sacred scriptures revered as the "living" Guru for Sikhs)—in a procession to our temple.  It's Guru Gaddee Day - the day that commemorates the installation of our
sound vibrations1