About: Shabad Guru

Video: Dialogs in Dharma – The Transforming Power of Shabad Guru

Pritpal Singh hosted the third “Dialogs in Dharma” program on March 31. The topic for Episode 3 "The Transforming Power of Shabad Guru," exploring the deep experiences of long-time practitioners, with special guests Prabhu Nam Kaur and Sada Sat Simran Singh! This class was provided in both English and Spanish, with Ravi Prem Kaur and

Sikh Research Institute Presents the Arti of IkOankar

Guru Nanak Sahib redefines the ritualistic Arti, urging us to imagine a different Arti. The Arti which takes down specific systems, power structures, and hierarchies, thereby equalizing creation to its original self. This Arti of the Guru is revolutionary, for it eliminates fear. This is the Arti of IkOankar, the Fear-Eliminator. May the fragrance of this
SikhRI Guru Granth Sahib project