Posts by: Bibiji

Truth is Divine

Guru Nanak gave us a very easy way to understand that every being is part of the Divine creation. The Creator is within you and everyone. Chanting Sat Naam, with every breath we draw can help us realize that ‘ONE’ within, that ‘True-Name’ of the infinite spirit, ‘Sat-Naam’.
Courtesy of Kim Seng via Flickr, Creative Commons.

One True Existence

In many places in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, it is stated that everything in existence is nothing but an atomic vibration, a sound, a frequency. A vibrational frequency can be expressed mathematically. The mathematical root of all numbers being 1, is a powerful force. Ek Ong Kaar, the beginning of the Mul Mantra or

An Attitude of Gratitude~Merging Heaven and Earth

Dwelling in gratitude, there are so many things to remember with profound thanks. For every human being we give thanks for the gift of life, for which we travailed 8.4 million incarnations to achieve. How fortunate we are to be granted this gift of life and health as a conscious being, dwelling in God in

The Soul is Always Noble

We have the four perfect gifts from our Guru: Bani, Bana, Simran, and Seva, that provide four indomitable pillars, by which we align ourselves with the pure noble spirit of our own soul, ever victorious over the ultimate bully—our own mind.

Truth is My Identity

The Siri Singh Sahib used to tell us that there are three kinds of truth: Universal truth, circumstantial truth, and personal truth which only you know and nobody else knows. Every human goes through these three truths in their lives. The problem comes when we as humans become entangled in maya, and then we forget
Courtesy of 3H0.

Give Us the Gift of Trust

For a Sikh there's no choice whether to trust Guru. Guru is in the Sikh. Ang Sang Wahe Guru. When you really look at the people who believe in God, who believe in spirituality, who believe in the Infinity and the dignity of humankind, trust is an essential quality. Keep going and have the trust.
keep calm and trust god

People of Love

“We are the people, the people of love. Let us people love today.” The Siri Singh Sahib taught us that love is infinite. It is an experience of selflessness within one’s self. When one experiences spiritual love, then the physical body does not crave anything. There is only the longing for union with God. Guru

Prewritten Destiny

“Life is given to us as our destiny...Every day we must die and we must experience that death. And every day we must be reborn and we must experience resurrection.” – Siri Singh Sahib. Gurbani says that when we are born, our destiny is already written. “Pehlay Buni Paraptay, Pachay Buni Sareeer” – First