Posted by Kundalini Research Institute& filed under Meditation
This meditation can purify your past karma and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling you. It balances all the 27 facets of life and mental projection, and gives you the pranic power of health and healing.…
Posted by Kundalini Research Institute& filed under Sikh Dharma Technology
The parents’ influence on a child doesn’t begin at birth. It begins much earlier—at the time of conception. The vibration between the parents at the time of conception sets the tone for the child’s life from the very beginning. The frequency of their psyches in the aura merges at the moment of conception and sets…
Posted by Kundalini Research Institute& filed under Meditation, Publications
This meditation is for the arcline and to clear the karma that has been stocked up in it. You'll experience what Wahe Guru actually means.…
Posted by Kundalini Research Institute& filed under Dharmic Education
Dharma is the path of life above the wheel of karma, aligned with our soul and destiny, where all our actions are towards the Infinite. It is action without reaction or karma. When our actions no longer create karma, when we live in dharma rather than karma, we are said to be liberated.…
Posted by Kundalini Research Institute& filed under Meditation
The first breath is special. It sets the quality and tone of the prana for your life. If this first breath is open, free and fearless, life will be projective, attractive and consciously happy . . . This meditation links you back to that first breath . . . Adjust the imprint of this first…
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