Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Publications
Activate the Power of Communication
August 22, 1986
“Learn to be alert. Answer with the power of the soul. Relate with an affirmation. Every word you say should be an affirmation.” —Yogi Bhajan
POSITION: Sit in Easy Pose.
MUDRA: Touch the thumb and Mercury (pinkie) finger of one hand to the thumb and Mercury finger…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Publications
Self-Containment and Expansion
August 2, 2001
POSTURE: Sit straight in Easy Pose.
MUDRA: Hold your hands in Sarab Gyan Mudra in front of the Heart Center. Begin by interlacing the fingers, then extend the index fingers up, pressing the palms and index fingers very tightly together, thumbs crossed. The elbows are relaxed.
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Publications
Subagh Kriya
June 21, 1996
Each exercise in this five-part kriya must be done for the same length of time, either
3 minutes each or 11 minutes each.
Part One
POSITION: Sit in Easy Pose with a light Jalandhar Bandh.
MUDRA: Bend the elbows, angling the forearms up and outward with the…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Meditation, Publications, Sikh Dharma Technology
by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji
(This meditation can be found in Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance.)
The beginning era of the Aquarian Age will be a time of profound transformation. To help stay connected and to flow with the…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Prosperity Shabads, Publications
"Life is to be lived. Life is a given gift. Atma, the soul, takes the body. The distance of life is covered by destiny and challenged by fate. That’s how it goes. There are no two ways about it.
There are some people who live life by making their security just…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Meditation, Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations
Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan December 26, 1997
“I want to tell you what life is all about. Life has a constant action and reaction that you cannot stop. Your inner anger and your outer fear cannot let you be anything but a reactionary, everlasting nuisance. You do not develop maturity and common ground…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations, Sikh Dharma Technology
Receiving the Virtues July 25, 1989
Part One
POSTURE: Sit straight in Easy Pose with a light Neck Lock.
EYE FOCUS: The eyes are closed. Concentrate behind the eyes—not at the Third Eye Point.
MUDRA: The left hand is by the shoulder (as if taking an oath), palm forward, with the thumb…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Business Teachings, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity, Prosperity Lectures, Publications
Siri Singh Sahib ~ Yogi Bhajan Lecture Excerpts from Success and the Spirit Chapter 13
Success in Business
“The basic subject today is “Interlog of the interest—human, monetary, and personal.” The subject is extremely boring and everybody hates to deal with it. It’s so hate-worthy that we put many names on it and size…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations
This meditation will elevate your energy so strongly that you can easily experience your own soul blessing you with prosperity.
POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose (or on a chair) with a straight spine.
MUDRA: Hands rest on the knees in Gyan Mudra (index finger and thumb tip touching).
EYE FOCUS: The eyes…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Dasvandh, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity, Prosperity Lectures
Excerpt from a lecture by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan October 3, 1996
“In the Age of Aquarius, the Dharma of a person shall be to reach out. Reach out to help. Reach out to share smiles. Reach out to hear each other. Reach out to every person without judgment. It should be a…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity
Lecture excerpts from the Siri Singh Sahib November 10, 2001
“Recently there was a problem. There was a girl who was in love and things were not happening right.
One day she called and she said, “I am in too much pain. Things are not happening right.”
I said, “Count your breaths…
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Meditation, Prosperity, Prosperity Meditations
Posture: Sitting in Easy Pose, hands in any relaxed position, make a strong clucking sound with your tongue striking and releasing against the upper palate. The tongue presses the upper palate and breaks from it with a force. It pulls forcefully on the upper palate at the rate of approximately 2 clucks per second.
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Dasvandh, Lectures-Siri Singh Sahib, Prosperity, Prosperity Lectures
Excerpts from Siri Singh Sahib lecture from Success in the Spirit, “Trust God to Work for You," pp 46-47.
“Read the poem I wrote in the book The Man called the Siri Singh Sahib.
One Day the day shall come
When all the glory will be Thine.
People will say, “It’s yours.”
Posted by Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan& filed under Business Teachings, Prosperity, Sikh Dharma Technology
Siri Singh Sahib ~ Yogi Bhajan 10 Sacred Secrets of Success
1. Learning is not a Weakness Time and space and breath of life is the living triangle of life. Every process is a moment; every moment is a process. Learning is to gain wisdom - it gives a grip on our discipline, and discipline…
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