Posted by Shabd Singh Khalsa& filed under Your Stories
Naam, Daan, Ishnaan - The Name, Giving, Cleansing. Of all of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's teachings, the above is the distilled triplet that often defined the early Sikhs.…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Our Authors, Shabad Guru
Outstanding in the chronicles of history and religion, the Shabd Guru of the Sikh faith is unique, utterly inclusive, and presents a rational and scientific doctrine that is acknowledged universally.…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Our Authors, Prayer
"Amid the swirling, confusing, unfocused energies of the modern world, there is a light, a calm and a healing in the center of all things." -Yogi Bhajan…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Our Authors, Sikh History
Living in divinity, the Siri Singh Sahib taught us, is to constantly remember to befriend our soul, to know our beloved Lord is divine, and to dwell ever in that consciousness, to dwell in God.…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Our Authors
When I sit in prayer in your beautiful temple, I am humbled by the profound divine presence, and I have often thought of the many similarities we share in our spiritual traditions.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Sikh History
Twenty-eight years ago, on June 6, 1984, the sacred throne of the Akal Takhat came under attack. It was a tragic situation for the Sikh community. Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji believed that the Akal Takhat could never be destroyed without its own consent. He viewed the events…
Posted by Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur& filed under Our Authors
Royalty is a most beautiful quality that we as Sikhs of the Guru have the privilege to claim as our birthright: to be sons or daughters of the Royal House of the Khalsa.…
Posted by Bibiji& filed under Our Authors
We have the four perfect gifts from our Guru: Bani, Bana, Simran, and Seva, that provide four indomitable pillars, by which we align ourselves with the pure noble spirit of our own soul, ever victorious over the ultimate bully—our own mind.…
Posted by Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur& filed under Our Authors
Nobility is a virtue of character that is best understood through stories because this unique quality comes from a complex dynamic. This dynamic is founded upon the tests within life that challenge the spirit to rise to higher qualities. …
Posted by Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur& filed under Our Authors
Truth is a hallmark virtue for anyone walking the path of Dharma because it keeps us real and dispels the veils of illusion that would otherwise bind us in life. That is why Guru Nanak starts Japji with the Mul Mantra by acknowledging there is only one Creator, then saying His name is Truth,…
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