Posts by: Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan

Prosperity Meditation – Guru Nanak’s Treasure

This meditation builds a deep sense of self-reliance. It allows you to separate your identity from your success. It gives you potency, productivity and caliber. It makes you experience and believe in yourself. Then success comes to serve you, rather than you running after it. This meditation was taught by Guru Nanak then passed on

Reflections on the Twenty Eighth Paurī from JapJī Sāhib by Gurū Nānak

This Pauri from Jap Jī is very important. Mundā santokh, tolerance and unlimited patience, is the highest power you can have. Mundā are the earrings, which yogīs wear in the solar center to denounce the world. It is the sun meridian point: this little lobe represents your head with the central part of your intelligence in the center. When
28th Pauree

Prosperity Meditation – One-Minute Breath

Physiological effects of the one-minute breath include: optimized cooperation between the brain hemispheres, dramatic calming of anxiety, fear and worry, openness to feeling one’s presence and the presence of spirit, stronger intuition, whole-brain functioning— especially the old brain and the frontal hemispheres. –Yogi Bhajan
chakra color human lotus pose yoga in green tree forest tunnel, abstract world, universe inside your mind mental, watercolor painting illustration design hand drawn