Category: Service/Seva

Guru’s Seva

by SS Ram Dass Singh Khalsa, Espanola NM, Courtesy of the Summer 2017 Ministry Newsletter Once my noble daughter asked me who was in the picture on the wall in her room. I told her it was Guru Ram Das. She said, “Yes, but who is the person behind him waving the Chauri Sahib?” And

Fresh Giving

Introducing a new non-profit started by Siri Deva Singh of Austin, TX, USA A few weeks ago I found myself out in the FreshGiving garden for the first harvest of our summer crop fifteen pounds of cucumbers clipped from lush, sprawling vines. These cukes were later dropped off to Hope Food Pantry in Austin, TX, where they were

Dasvandh as Seva

Personal Reflection on Seva Seva is service. There are so many stories of people in history who have done incredible acts of service. But how do we incorporate service into our lives? There seems to be no room with work, cooking, house cleaning, and the countless activities of a modern day householder.  I
snatam kaur-homepage

The 4th Great Asian Tour on Kundalini Yoga for Health, Happiness and Harmony

March 6th through May 2nd, 2016.  The 4th Great Asian Tour on Kundalini Yoga for Health, Happiness and Harmony schedule includes travel and teaching in Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, China and Tibet. This event is organized by Breathe.  Breathe is dedicated to serving human kind by guiding people from all walks of life through the simple,
7-Teaching in Tokyo-70 people attended

The Power of Serving Others

By MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa (excerpts from an article originally published in Aquarian Times Magazine) In 2002 Yogi Bhajan was teaching evening classes for the Española community at least once a week and we all flocked to those classes with great joy and appreciation, especially since Yogiji was already in

Food 4 Kids – Supported by Sikhs Feed People

Food 4 Kids NM is a small organization in rural New Mexico, USA which supports low income school children by providing them with bags of food to take home over the weekend.  These children qualify to be part of the school district's food program which provides 2 daily meals to children on school days.  Often

The Parliament of World’s Religions

The World Parliament of Religions was a wonderful environment where people of all faiths and those who were interested in building unity of faith in the world gathered together to address the Global issues of our day.  Economic inequality, sustainability, global warming and care of the indigenous cultures, peace and women’s equality and rights were a few
world parliament