Posts by: Sikh Dharma International

Your Miracle Mantra Moment: Personal Experiences

One Wednesday a month during COVID times, Pritpal Singh is hosting "Your Miracle Mantra Moment,"  leading the global community in 11 minutes of live chanting of the Shabad ‘Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru,’ followed by a discussion of different aspects of the Shabad and its history. Participants share their experiences tuning into Your Miracle Mantra
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Video: Roots of Sikh Dharma – Overview of Sikh Dharma

Pritpal Singh taught the first "Roots of Sikh Dharma" class on October 21, part of the "Dharma Dive Live" series. The topic for Episode 1 was an Overview of Sikh Dharma. Video includes content on - what is Sikh Dharma? Definitions of Sikhism, Sikh Dharma and Sikhi; religion versus Dharma and foundational concepts and history

Recipe Subscription

On this page, you'll find our Food for Joy Booklet, which you received when you originally subscribed and the weekly recipes which are part of the subscription. We hope you enjoy these yummy recipes and that they warm stomach and your heart! Love and Blessings to All! Food for Joy Booklet Recipes for Joy
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