Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Your Stories
Guru Nanak is regarded by the Sikhs and many others as a Messenger of God, an enlightened Teacher, a champion of human dignity and peace among faiths, and a brilliant spiritual Light for all humanity.…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Bani, Shabad Guru, Your Stories
The poetic divine bani of Guru Nanak Dev Ji touches my heart, and his enlightened personality is revealed to me. I value the precious gift he has imparted us. The precious jewels he possessed he gave us all freely and unconditionally. We are so fortunate that he has dedicated his whole life to us, imparting…
Posted by Sikhnet& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Legacy Organizations, Your Stories
I’m a doctor, a healer, and blogger, which helps me be really-really good at seeing and feeling. I’ve always related to Guru Nanak because he just saw God. He felt God in every tree, in every bird, in every human being. He didn’t see the physical form that was in front of him, only…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
His extraordinary message; the perfect description of the paths that every Soul seeking the realization of God proves; The explanation of the wonderful worlds created by the unique and divine Spirit can immerse the devotee in a sacred experience.…
Posted by Rupinder Kaur Khalsa& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
The longing of the soul is so great, that even if it takes you thousands of incarnations, you are destined to have the experience of Oneness. That’s the Guru’s promise to all of us. Let’s keep walking together.…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
More and more I am aware of my heart’s cravings for the simplicities of life, stillness in deep listening and finding the beauty within every moment of life. I am okay with being vulnerable, with being mortal, with being open, with being fragile, with being of service, with being misunderstood, with being hurt, with being…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
In those days, we thought Japji was for Sikhs only and often joined Sadhana after. I also had my own reason – despite rejecting the church, I loved Jesus… With the passing years however, following my unfolding spiritual path, I understood there was no contradiction… the human heart is big enough to love Jesus, the…
Posted by Sikh Dharma International& filed under Around the World, Community, Your Stories
Recognizing that God and me, me and God are One, is to be aware that there is no separation and that everything is in your hands, which allows me with the greatest humility to bow before his Infinite Love...…
Posted by 3HO-Legacy Organization& filed under Bani, Legacy Organizations, Shabad Guru, Your Stories
Japji Sahib, also known as the Song of the Soul, is the love of my life. After about three months of daily chanting, one Sunday morning I felt bliss—a feeling that was already somewhat familiar to me in that I had felt it several times before after a solid yoga or chanting session.…
Posted by Harsimranjeet Singh& filed under Around the World, Bani, Community, Dharmic Education, Your Stories
As a teenager, I was confronted about my identity often. Friends and teachers would frequently inquire about what it was I wore on my head and why I wore it, why I would let the hair on my face and head grow and left uncut and so forth.…
Posted by Sat Bachan Kaur& filed under 01-Guru Nanak, Community, Your Stories
When I first listened to the sound current, the rhythm, the voice and the intonation, immediately I felt a coziness and familiarity. I was especially focused on the recitation of the 28th and 29th Paurees...…
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