Posts by: Sikhnet

Guru Har Rai and the Pot

Listen to this story, courtesy of Sikhnet:   We always keep learning and understanding more about the Guru's teachings. It's ok that we don't understand everything. One time someone asked Guru Har Rai a question about this. They asked, “Guru ji, may I ask a question?” Of course

Can Trees Grow Overnight?

This timely story, inspired by the pressing environmental concerns and global warming of our planet, takes a spiritual activist approach and tells of a young girl’s devotion and the divine guidance that came to her from God along with the miracles that followed when she combined faith with action.
Can Trees Grow Overnight SikhNet story

Sikhism and Ecological Issues

The great earth, with its many life forms, is the “Dharam Khand,” the realm where balanced, responsible and righteous living should be practiced. In Sikhi, the purpose of human life on earth is to see and experience the Creator Being in nature (kudrat) and to serve both.
Image by Lutz Peter from Pixabay.

Video: Sikhs and Environmental Consciousness

Should Sikhs be environmentally conscious? The answer is as human beings we should be environmentally conscious. We are polluting our home, and no animal does that. For now we only have one planet so we have to start taking care of it. 
Guruka Singh Mother Earth