Category: Your Stories

Aquarian Sevadar: Guru Simran Kaur Khalsa – Food 4 Kids (New Mexico)

Doing Seva is not about recognition, awards, or praise. It’s about doing it quietly, and then going on with the rest of your life. This is a part of developing our Neutral Mind. Seva is completely selfless service. It's not easy. You don't get any worldly rewards, and that's what makes it perfect. That's true

Gratitude—A Source of Radiant Beauty

“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.” ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji I have been pondering the concept of Radiant Beauty. What is it really? According to the dictionary, to ‘radiate’ is to ‘send forth or release’ and ‘beauty’ is the ‘quality present in a thing or person that gives pleasure or satisfaction to the

Your Miracle Mantra Moment: Personal Experiences

One Wednesday a month during COVID times, Pritpal Singh is hosting "Your Miracle Mantra Moment,"  leading the global community in 11 minutes of live chanting of the Shabad ‘Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru,’ followed by a discussion of different aspects of the Shabad and its history. Participants share their experiences tuning into Your Miracle Mantra
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